Battlefield Z Complete Adventures

Introducing “Battlefield Z: The Complete Adventures Boxset” – a gripping and heart-pounding journey through a world overrun by zombies, where one man will rise above the chaos to rescue his lost children. Are you ready to dive into the epic saga that will redefine survival in the post-apocalyptic era?

Your worst nightmare has come true – a world filled with the undead, and your children are missing. In “Battlefield Z,” witness the extraordinary tale of one normal man who embarks on an extraordinary quest to find his loved ones. Join him as he leads a diverse group of survivors through the remnants of civilization, where danger lurks at every corner.

But in this gripping series, zombies are not the only threat. A brand new post-apocalyptic world unfolds where survival means facing challenges far more sinister than the undead. Will our protagonist become a monster himself to save everyone from the true horrors that await?

This complete adventures boxset includes all eighteen books in the Battlefield Z series, ensuring that you won’t miss a single pulse-pounding moment. Stay on the edge of your seat as you binge-read through the relentless action, suspense, and unexpected twists that will keep you hooked until the very end.

Prepare for sleepless nights filled with swipes of intense reading, as each installment in this end-of-the-world adventure unfolds. Get ready to experience a rollercoaster of emotions and witness the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable challenges.

“Battlefield Z” is not just a story about survival; it’s a testament to the strength of the human will and the sacrifices one man is willing to make for the ones he loves. Are you brave enough to confront the monsters within and survive the horrors that lie ahead? Grab your copy of the complete adventures boxset now and immerse yourself in the ultimate zombie apocalypse experience.

Old Magic – The Interview

Ben Logan sat behind his desk.

He studied the file in his hand.

It was a sunny afternoon.

Outside the office window, a distant mountain scene unfolded.

The peaks rose majestically.

The rugged slopes were cloaked in shades of green and brown.

They were adorned with patches of vibrant wildflowers, he knew  dotted the landscape.

In the foreground, a winding river snaked its way through the valley.

It glinted like a ribbon of silver in the afternoon light. Trees clustered along its banks.

He could imagine the leaves rustled gently in the breeze.

Above, fluffy white clouds drifted lazily across the sky.

They cast shadows that danced across the mountainside.

A bird soared gracefully overhead.

Its wings outstretched as it rode the thermals rising from the valley below.

Papers and folders were scattered across the desk.

He glanced up.

The door swung open.

A young woman entered.

She had a determined look in her eyes.

Zac Smith,.

Ben had decided to interview her himself.

He had heard good things about her from the academy instructors.

He wanted to see for himself if she had what it took to join his team.

“Come on in,” he said.

He gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

“Have a seat.”

Zac nodded.

She crossed the room and settled into the chair.

She had on a khaki uniform shirt, minus the patches, faded blue jeans that highlighted hips and thighs and long lean lines carved by hours of athletic endeavors.

She crossed her legs like she was showing off her tan combat boots, as well worn as the jeans.

Not the typical interview suit, he thought. But it said something about her.

Cocky, on the verge of being over confident.

Eyes that sparkled above a half smirk smile.

Ben leaned forward. He looked into her eyes.

 “Why do you want to be a deputy?”

She straightened in her seat.

Her expression was serious.

“I’ve always wanted to make a difference in my community,” she said. “Being a deputy is a way for me to serve and protect the people I care about.”

Ben snorted.

“There are better places to serve than…” he let it go and waved a hand toward the window.

The Main Street of town was lined with old brick buildings that looked worn and forgotten.

Stone fortresses from a time when immigrants were making incursions into sacred territory and the Border of the Reservation was being established.

Main Street was it, except for a few smaller buildings on side streets.

And beyond that a Magical Reservation created by the Federal Government to contain native people.

It wasn’t a fun job.

There wasn’t much to smile about most of the time.

“Do you think you have what it takes?”

She met his gaze and held it.

“I’ve been trained to handle high-pressure situations, and I’m confident in my ability to do the job.”

“You ever fought a magic man before?

She shook her head.

“Not much magic on the East Coast anymore.”

He nodded.

Not much magic anyone could see, but it was there.

Probably better found in the halls of power and where money was being made.

But Zac was right.

Her exposure to it would have been limited, if at all.

“Everyone out here has some level of it,” he told her.

“In town?”

It was his turn to shake his head.

“On the Rez,” he corrected. “The Chairman of the Confederated Nations is one of the most powerful men you’ll ever meet, and there are a few others that could top him.”

“I’m going to meet him,” she smirked. “Does that mean I’ve got the job?”

“It’s not an easy gig,” he said. “Take all the problems you find in a big city, compress it into tiny trailer parks, mix in magic and spread it out over a million acres.”

She leaned across the table and whispered.

“What about vampires? And werewolves? And ghosts and ghouls?”

He couldn’t tell if she was kidding.

“That too,” he said. “And more.”


“The potential for it. We haven’t seen it yet, but like I said, problems. We got teens bored out of their skulls with more power than an Army and no hope for a future. They experiment.”

She gulped.

Eyes still sparkled with mischief though.

Like she had an answer for any out of control teen, vampire or werewolf.

“The pay is lousy,” he said. “Hours suck.”

“Don’t over sell it,” Zac answered.

“I’ve got one deputy now and Lucy runs the whole show. You’d be new, so you get the new car. Except it’s a used new car, so it’s only new to you.”

“Any down sides so far?”

Ben stared at her.

“A lot of folks end you here for two reasons,” he said. “They’re running from something or they’re looking to fix something with magic.”

“Do I look like I’d run from anything,” she said, a serious look in her eye.

He glanced at all five foot four of her as she brushed a strand of hair back from her eyes.

“That’s my default setting,” he joked.

She shook her head.

“I worked as a street cop for four years,” Zac said. “Had a partner been doing it for twenty and he taught me how to read people. Fair warning, Sheriff. Don’t play poker with me.”

“Call me Ben.”

“Ben, when you read people, you pick up on things. Like you. You look like the kind of man that doesn’t back up and doesn’t back down.”

He shook his head.

“And maybe you’re the saddest guy I’ve ever met.”

He snorted, but didn’t answer.

“I’m not out here trying to make magic fix something wrong with me. I don’t know magic, but I don’t think it works like that.”

“It doesn’t.”

She played with a finger for a few moments.

“Does it really matter why I’m here?”

“Not for the job,” said Ben. “The job’s yours if you want it.”

“I know.”

“Cocky,” it was his turn to smirk.

“I read it in your eyes.”

They stared at it each for a few moments in silence, taking measure.

“I followed a guy out here because of his job. His job introduced him to his secretary, and she introduced him to a whole new kind of life.

The kind without me in it.”


“Yeah. So I’m not some bleeding heart feeling sad for the short stick the Indians got and here to make it right. I’m not some sad sack hoping to get some medicine man to make me a love potion to get him back. Or anyone back. I’m just an east coast cop making my way in what’s left of the wild west and I liked being a cop.”

She settled in her seat and sighed.

“A pioneer,” said Ben.

She shrugged.

“Something like that.”

“We’ve had more than a few of those,” he mused. “Like I said, job is yours if you want it.”

“Maybe make a few things run from you.”

Ben nodded. He was satisfied with her response. “Alright, then,” he said. “Let’s see how you handle yourself out in the field. Meet me at the diner down the street in half an hour.”

Zac nodded.

She stood up from her chair.

“Yes, Sheriff,” she said, her voice steady.

As Zac left the office, Ben couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation.

He had a feeling that she was exactly what his team needed.

He listened to her voice as she wished Lucy a good day and clomped her big sand colored combat boots down the flight of stairs to the street level.

Lucy leaned against the doorjamb.

“She your next deputy?”

“Seems like it.”

“She’s gonna be trouble,” she said.

“Don’t I know it,” Ben said.

He stared in the direction where the woman had disappeared and wondered if he could handle any more trouble.

That joke she seemed to hold so secret might be worth it, he decided.

Cast a Spell with Old Magic – a modern western urban fantasy adventure

What Are You Reading This Week?

Hey it’s Chris,

The road is calling today for a two hour trip to Memphis.

But some families that went early sent us video of I-40 backed up at the Mississippi River bridge that would add an hour to the trip.

If an Interstate is a parking lot, then there is a design problem.

I have lamented before about short sighted Department of Transportations, but maybe they know something we don’t.

Maybe they have a timeline on the adoption of self driving big rigs and cars that we don’t, and that when the AI is driving, we won’t have as many problems.

Like the problem of merging or getting out of the left lane.

You know, human problems.

The merge is one I can’t comprehend for the life of me.

Why people think the on ramp is an invitation to race or worse, pace, is beyond me.

I’ve got the answer though.

Not for the whole kit and caboodle problem, but what to do while the rest of the suckers are stuck and wondering and running up their blood pressure.

I’m taking a backroad through the delta and hopping on over on the Mississippi Blues Highway.

It will add 20 minutes to the trip.

Plus, the skies should be sunny and we can see the after effects of a good long rain on a spring day with explosions of blooms turning dogwood white and green and fresh all along the road.

It’s going to be a great day.

I hope yours is too.

Let me help:

go grab your copy of MR. LONELY today.

You can also get A PINT OF PROBLEMS free from bookfunnel, then pick up A FIFTH OF PROBLEMS and have some weekend reading.

I also added these to the store yesterday:

PI Problems – a murder mystery

Renegade Z – The Battlefield Z Series

You can grab the Battlefield Z Boxset with over 24 books included to get them all and save a few bucks.

Battlefield Z Complete Boxset

Don’t forget to add these to your TBR pile:

No Way – a post apocalyptic action adventure (The Dead Wave Series Book 3 FREE

The Marshal of Magic – an urban fantasy action thriller FREE

Colony One: A Space Colonization Adventure FREE

The Alpha Plague – Books 1 – 3: A Post-Apocalyptic Action Thriller FREE

Check out some new authors:

Action, Adventure & Intrigue Giveaway group promo

Springtime’s for Thrillers group promo

Mystery / Thriller Giveaway group promo

All-Genre Giveaway group promo


I’ve got 2 new SHADOWBOXER TITLES out next week: Redacted and Classified.

Get caught up with your big boxset of THE SHADOWBOXER FILES of action thrillers!

Thank you for your support:

The Dipole Series Sci Fi Collection

Iron Rations – a massive sci fi collection

The Round Up – a Massive Western Adventure Collection

The Shadowboxer Files

Battlefield Z – The Complete adventures giant boxset

Witchmas – The Marshal of Magic Boxset



Magic Monday 3 11

Mystic Maven –

The French Quarter, bathed in the glow of flickering gas lamps and echoing with the distant jazz notes of a sultry saxophone, held its secrets tightly. At the heart of this enigmatic tapestry, Gnu’s fortune-telling booth stood like a forgotten relic of arcane mysteries. The aroma of beignets mingled with the faint scent of aged tarot cards, setting the stage for the unfolding drama.

Gnu, a gnome with gnarled features and piercing eyes, sat hunched over a worn wooden table, surrounded by a myriad of mystical artifacts. A crystal ball, pulsating with an ethereal glow, rested in her tiny hands. The air buzzed with an otherworldly energy as a few curious onlookers shuffled nervously by, casting furtive glances at the diminutive seer.

“Step right up, darlin’,” Gnu rasped in a voice that seemed to emanate from the very roots of the ancient oak trees that lined the cobblestone streets. Her gaze fixed on a young woman, her face etched with worry, who hesitated at the edge of the booth.

With a flick of her wrist, Gnu beckoned the woman closer. The gnome’s eyes narrowed as she peered into the swirling depths of the crystal ball. “Ah, I see your past, your present, and your future, all tangled like Spanish moss in a bayou breeze.”

The woman, captivated and slightly unnerved, settled into the creaky chair opposite Gnu. The gnome’s fingers danced over the crystal ball, drawing invisible patterns in the air.

“In your past, there lies heartache, child. A love lost, a betrayal endured,” Gnu intoned, her voice wrapping around the woman’s senses like a haunting melody.

As Gnu delved into the woman’s future, her eyes widened with a sudden revelation. A chill crept through the booth, causing the woman to shiver involuntarily. Gnu’s gnarled hand shot out, gripping the woman’s wrist with an urgency that spoke of impending doom.

“In your future, a storm approaches, fueled by shadows and secrets. Beware, for the tempest carries the weight of a crime family’s fall,” Gnu whispered, her words hanging in the air like the humid mist of the Mississippi.

The woman recoiled, her eyes wide with disbelief. “A crime family? Here in New Orleans?”

Gnu nodded solemnly. “Their fate intertwines with yours, dear. The threads of destiny weave a tapestry that may yet reveal the true nature of the city’s heart.”

As the woman hurried away, the atmosphere around Gnu shifted. The gnome’s eyes lost their customary sparkle, replaced by a cloud of foreboding. Her senses tingled with the unsettling knowledge that her role in the unraveling events had just begun.

That night, in the shadowy recesses of a dimly lit alley, Gnu watched from her concealed perch as a black-clad figure slipped into the hidden depths of a dilapidated warehouse. The air vibrated with tension, and the gnome’s eyes glowed with an eerie intensity as she focused on the unfolding scene.

Inside the warehouse, the crime family’s enigmatic leader, clad in a tailored suit that oozed authority, faced his ambitious son. The son’s eyes gleamed with a hunger for power that transcended filial loyalty. Gnu strained to catch their hushed conversation, the words mixing with the distant sounds of a jazz band playing in a nearby club.

“You’re playing with fire, boy,” the father warned, his voice a low growl that echoed in the cavernous space.

The son chuckled, a sound as cold as the marble statues lining the alleys. “Fire burns, Father, but it also purifies. It’s time for a new era, a reign where fear bows to ambition.”

Gnu’s eyes narrowed as she sensed the son’s dark ambitions. The threads of destiny tightened, weaving a narrative of treachery and impending doom.

The gnome remained hidden, observing the clandestine meeting until the son’s gaze flickered towards her concealed position. Panic gripped her as their eyes locked across the shadowy expanse. Gnu’s heart raced, knowing that her role as a silent observer had been exposed.

In a desperate bid to escape the son’s wrath, Gnu slipped away like a phantom in the night, her diminutive form disappearing into the labyrinthine alleys of the French Quarter.

The ominous threads of destiny had been woven, and Gnu’s vision had set in motion a series of events that would plunge New Orleans into a realm where magic and crime collided. As the night embraced the city, Gnu understood that her journey was only beginning, and the murky waters of the bayou held secrets that would challenge even the most resilient of spirits.

**Chapter 2: Shadows in the Dark Alley**

The morning sun cast long shadows on the cobblestone streets of the French Quarter, but Gnu, the mystical gnome, moved with purpose through the bustling crowds. Her gnarled features were set in determination, her small stature belying the weight of the visions that haunted her. As she navigated the labyrinthine alleys, the whispers of the shadows seemed to guide her towards the heart of the city’s underbelly.

Arriving at the mysterious warehouse where the crime family’s clandestine meeting had taken place the night before, Gnu observed from a hidden vantage point. The air still held the faint echoes of the father-son conversation, and the gnome’s senses tingled with the residual energy of dark secrets.

The son emerged, his steps echoing through the silent alley as he disappeared into the morning mist. Gnu, undeterred by the lurking danger, followed discreetly, weaving through the labyrinth of narrow passages. Her diminutive figure moved like a wraith, leaving no trace as she pursued the enigmatic figure.

In the shadowy recesses of a dark alley, the son met with a group of equally shadowy figures. Their hushed voices reached Gnu’s keen ears, revealing glimpses of a conspiracy that extended beyond the family dynamic.

“The old man won’t see it coming. We strike when he’s at his most vulnerable,” the son declared, his eyes ablaze with a ruthless determination that sent shivers down Gnu’s spine.

As the conspirators dispersed, Gnu retreated to her hidden nook, absorbing the gravity of what she had witnessed. The intricate threads of destiny were unraveling, and the city’s balance hung in the tenuous grip of ambition and betrayal.

Over the following days, Gnu delved deeper into the criminal underworld, her gnome-sized presence unnoticed among the denizens of the shadowy alleys. She overheard whispered conversations, gathered cryptic symbols painted on the walls of hidden meeting places, and pieced together a mosaic of intrigue that painted a stark picture of the son’s insidious plan.

In the dimly lit corners of a voodoo-infused bar, Gnu eavesdropped on a conversation between a pair of shady characters. The son’s intentions became clearer, his thirst for power evident in every whispered syllable.

“We need to strike soon. The old man’s losing his grip, and we can’t afford to wait,” one of the conspirators muttered, a bead of sweat glistening on his forehead.

Gnu, perched on a rickety barstool, took mental notes, her eyes narrowing with the gravity of the impending danger. She sensed the son’s calculating mind, weaving a web of deceit that threatened to engulf the entire city.

As the night deepened, Gnu retreated to her booth in the heart of the French Quarter, the flickering gas lamps casting eerie shadows on her wrinkled face. A hooded figure approached, cloaked in the anonymity of the night.

“You have information, little gnome. Information that could be useful to those who seek justice,” the figure spoke, the voice a low rasp that resonated with authority.

Gnu, unfazed, studied the hooded stranger. “And who might you be, seeking justice in the heart of shadows?”

The hooded figure revealed himself as Grayson Knox, the Marshal of Magic, his eyes reflecting a depth of experience that surpassed the ordinary. He spoke of The Judge’s concern, of the delicate balance between magic and crime that hung by a fragile thread.

“The threads of destiny weave a dark tale, Gnu. Your visions have caught the attention of those who uphold the arcane order,” Knox explained, his gaze unwavering.

Gnu, despite her wariness, recognized the gravity of the situation. She shared the insights she had gathered, painting a vivid picture of the son’s treacherous ascent and the impending fall of the crime family.

“The Judge believes you’re in danger, Gnu. The son won’t rest until he silences the one who holds the key to his unraveling plot,” Knox warned, the weight of responsibility etched in the lines on his weathered face.

As the night wore on, Knox and Gnu forged an uneasy alliance. The gnome, guided by the threads of destiny, became the reluctant informant, while Knox, the enigmatic Marshal, vowed to protect the city from the impending storm.

Days turned into nights, and Gnu and Knox navigated the gritty underbelly of New Orleans, their quest for truth taking them to the fringes of the magical and mundane realms. Together, they unraveled the son’s machinations, peeling back layers of deception that clung to the city like a suffocating fog.

In a dimly lit backroom of an abandoned jazz club, Gnu and Knox uncovered a hidden lair where the son’s intricate plans were laid bare. Maps sprawled across the table, dotted with strategic points that hinted at a coordinated strike against the crime family.

“The bayou,” Gnu murmured, her eyes widening with realization. “That’s where the final act will unfold.”

Knox nodded, his expression steely. “The Judge has sent me to keep you safe, Gnu. But we need to act swiftly if we are to prevent the son’s coup and protect the delicate balance of magic and crime in this city.”

The gnome and the Marshal, an unlikely duo bound by the threads of destiny, embarked on a race against time. The bayou loomed on the horizon, a mysterious and foreboding backdrop to the impending confrontation that would decide the fate of New Orleans.

As they ventured deeper into the mystical marshlands, the air thick with the pungent scent of decay and magic, Gnu sensed the son’s dark aura permeating the shadows. The threads of destiny tightened around them, weaving a narrative that transcended the boundaries of human nature and delved into the realm of arcane power.

In a secluded clearing, the son awaited, surrounded by a motley crew of conspirators. The air crackled with an eerie energy as Gnu and Knox emerged from the murky depths of the bayou, confronting the dark force that sought to reshape the city in its image.

The son’s eyes glittered with malice as he addressed Gnu, his voice a venomous hiss. “I should have dealt with you when I had the chance, little gnome. But now, you’ll witness the birth of a new era.”

Knox, his gaze unwavering, stepped forward, the magic emanating from his outstretched hand creating a protective barrier. “Your reign ends here, son. The Judge will not allow this city to fall into chaos.”

The marshlands trembled with the impending clash of magic and ambition. Gnu, drawing upon the threads of destiny that intertwined with her very being, summoned the echoes of the past and the whispers of the future.

The battle unfolded in a symphony of elemental forces, as the son unleashed forbidden magic in a desperate bid for supremacy. Shadows danced across the bayou, and the air vibrated with the clash of mystical energies.

In the midst of the chaos, Knox and Gnu fought with a determination that surpassed the limitations of their physical forms. The son’s grip on power wavered, the intricate threads of destiny unraveling in the face of an unwavering resolve to uphold the delicate balance between magic and crime.

As the final confrontation reached its climax, the son, defeated and broken

, was cast into the murky waters of the bayou. The threads of destiny, once entangled in his dark ambitions, dispersed into the night, leaving behind a city that teetered on the precipice of both chaos and redemption.

The bayou, now silent and still, held the echoes of a battle that transcended the boundaries of the visible and the unseen. Gnu, her small form weary but resolute, gazed into the abyss of the marshlands, knowing that the threads of destiny continued to weave a tapestry that bound the city’s fate to the enigmatic forces that governed both magic and human nature.

As Knox and Gnu emerged from the bayou, the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of amber and indigo. The city, on the brink of darkness just hours before, now basked in the fragile glow of a new day.

The Judge, a spectral presence in the periphery, observed the aftermath of the conflict with a silent acknowledgment. The threads of destiny, while scarred and frayed, still held the promise of resilience and renewal.

The gnome and the Marshal, their alliance forged in the crucible of adversity, faced the dawn together. New Orleans, a city of shadows and secrets, would continue its dance with destiny, guided by the threads that wove the tapestry of human nature and the enduring forces of magic.

You need more magic in your life:

Join the Adventures of The Marshal of Magic – catch up with the boxset:

Witchmas – The Marshal of Magic Boxset

Or pick up the series one title at a time:

The Marshal of Magic Series

  1. Guns and Magic
  • MythUnderstood

Sheriff Ben Logan Series

  • First Rodeo
  • Strange Bedfellows
  • As The Night is Long
  • Blame it on the Moon
  • West of Anywhere

The Crescent City Coven Series

Ware the Cats of War – an urban fantasy adventure

City Magic – an urban fantasy adventure

Bayou Magic – an urban fantasy adventure


Big EZ Coven book one