The Night Guard Tales

TALES OF THE NIGHT GUARD – The Night Guard Series

The Night Guard – Gnome Alone

“It’s like the Spartans and Templars got together and had a baby, and boy is he pissed!”

“A three feet tower of fury and rage”

He tramped into the camp and plopped onto a stump.

The man he was there to see stared as blood or something dripped from the tip of his propped up boots into the fire and sizzled.

“I’m sending you on a mission,” he grumbled.

Perry Drinkwater, Earl of their clan, kept his eyes locked on the others across the flickering flames.

“Right fucking time too,” he answered.

Scarred hands reached for his sword and lay it across his battle weary lap. He pulled a cloth from some secret part of his person and began to clean it.

“Finally taking the fight to the bastards,” his eyes gleamed.

“We have a message from the All Father,” Drinkwater shifted on a stump of his own.

The hand stopped cleaning mid-swipe.

“Yah? And what does the boss of bosses want me to do? Sneak behind enemy lines and kill the Ghoul King? Drop into the middle of their camp and wreak havoc? I’m ready for whatever the All Father asks.”

“He wants you to leave,” said Drinkwater.

“What the fuck,” the gnome on the stump sputtered and glared. “Does he know how outnumbered we are out there?”

“He knows,” said Drinkwater.”

“Does he know how many we’ve fucking lost?”

“He knows.”

“Then what the Hell is he thinking?”

“The Child has been born.”

The cloth in his hand fluttered to the ground.

“When you say The Child, do you mean the one, or just some whelp the All Father squirted into a maiden somewhere? Cause he does that you know. Squirts his progeny all over the fucking world, that one.”

“It’s The Child.”

Belcher Bubblebottom shifted on his stump stool and stared into the fire for a few moments.

Drinkwater enjoyed the silence until the wind picked up.

They could both hear the sounds of battle carried to them from the far side of the valley, across the River Coo where Ghouls fought hard for a toehold in this world.

“Where is he?”

“In a town in America,” said Drinkwater.

Belcher waved in annoyance.

“Not the The Child, the All Father? Where is he?”

“Fighting in the Frost,” grunted the Earl.

“And we’re righting Ghouls. You got intelligence on any others?”

Drinkwater nodded.

“Elves. Dwarves. Pixies are the ones I’ve heard.”

“Aye,” said Belcher. “I bet my left nut it’s others too. Fucking Child is born and at the same time every creature of evil decides they want to fucking pay a visit to our world?”

“I don’t have intelligence on the plans, but it seems very suspicious.”

Belcher leaned forward and spat into the fire.

“Offer me a drink before we go.”

Drinkwater made a motion and an aide scurried to Belcher, balancing two tankards on a tray.

The Gnome grabbed the first one and drained it with four loud gulps.

He placed it back on the tray with a sigh of contentment and lifted the second, but only held it across his stomach.

“The All Father knew what he was doing when he taught us how to make beer,” he smiled.

A second aid delivered another tankard to Drinkwater and he raised it in a small toast to the gnome across the fire.

“There is no we,” he said. “I can only spare you.”

Belcher started to squirm into an arguing stance, then sighed and took a drink instead.

“Let me guess. Too many injured. All the others are needed, pitter patter and all that.”

Drinkwater nodded with a glint in his eye.

“You should have gone into command,” he said.

“You should have promoted me,” Belcher countered.

“Tough to do when you’re good at your job. You can’t be replaced.”

“Mind your tears, you fucking whiner. I’ll be careful, you can bet on that.”

“I’m counting on that,” said Drinkwater and toasted him again.

“If The Evil is putting up these distractions all over the world, he’s going to make a move.”

Belcher drained the second tankard and dropped it onto the ground next to his stump.

They watched as it rolled toward the fire only to stop when the handle dug into the dirt.

“Am I getting poofed or is The Judge too busy doing magic shit to make time for the likes of us?”

Drinkwater shook his head.

“There’s word to the Judge and if I can get you human help, I will. But no, no answer.”

“Like we’re cut off from them?”

“More like they’re fighting incursions too.”

“Damn,” Belcher muttered. “Fuck.”


“All right,” Belcher stood up to his full twenty eight inch height, sheathed his sword and straightened his armor.

He noticed a few stains and snagged the fallen cloth from the ground and made a few useless swipes at the blood and unidentified bits that clung to the mail.

“You’re not going to meet him,” said Drinkwater from across the fire. “Just keep him safe until the All Father sends back up.”

“And when the fuck is that?”

“Morning,” said Drinkwater.

He stood and passed a smooth polished stone to Belcher.

“Com Stone,” he said. “Keep the lines open.”


“I’m serious,” Drinkwater held the stone for a moment in a game of tug of war. “If The Evil’s gone to all this trouble, it’s not going to be a walk in the park tonight.”

Belcher nodded.

“You have back up to send my way?”

Drinkwater opened his mouth to answer but Belcher interrupted him.

“I know you don’t. You said already, and from the sound of it, no member or squad of our allies has a man, dwarf, elf, or fuck all to spare either.”

“They will if they can.”

“But until they do?”

“You’re on your own.”

Belcher smiled, dark eyes glittering in the firelight, and Drinkwater shivered at the malice in them.

“Gnome alone,” Belcher said. “Just like I fucking like it.”


Belcher squatted in the front cockpit of a bi-plane and wiped the droplets of dew from his eyes.

“Fucking wish I’d been poofed,” he screamed into the wind.

“What?!” the gnome piloting the aircraft screamed behind him.

Belcher waved him off.

No use screaming at each other as fast as they were going.

Gnomes did not fly human bi-planes. They were fueled by magic and mania, and Belcher wasn’t sure which was the greater gas.

The pilots were a class unto themselves, mad enough that Hatters looked at them, and shook their head muttering how crazy they were.

But what did that say about the gnome forced to take transport with them.

“Almost there,” the mad eyed pilot screamed at the back of his head.

Belcher double checked the pack the man gave him for the drop.

Then considering who might have packed the chute, he checked one more time.

At least the straps were tight.

He couldn’t say anything about the fold, because they were flying by fresh starlight and perhaps a prayer for the wing as they bounced through the new night sky.

Belcher had a prayer for the All Father too, that the chute would open, that he would be in time and safe and whole enough to keep The Child safe until back up arrived.

“Execute! Execute! Execute!” the pilot screamed at him.

Belcher unsnapped the lap belt holding him to the rickety seat, clambered up over the lip of the cockpit and launched himself into the night sky.

A feeling of relief washed over him being free from the rocking fabric bag of bolts as he plummeted toward a dark earth he couldn’t see.

One hand yanked the cord to free the chute.

Nothing happened.

“Fuck’s sake,” he muttered, and pulled the relief cord.

The pack snapped open and the chute fluttered up with a flapping of fabric that snapped like a bark as it caught the wind and slowed his fall to certain death into a long slow glide to possible pain.

He had to wrestle with the strings to get the canopy straight, but part of his training was leaping from a high mountain to learn just how to do that, so this was a relative walk in the park.

Or coasting fall as it were.

The tough part of air dropping in the dark was judging the distance to the ground.

In the forests, a tree could lurch up from the pitch black and yank a gnome from the sky to arrest his fall.

Here though, there were suburban homes and streetlights that winked into view and Belcher swallowed hard.

He hadn’t realized they’d been so high that he couldn’t see the soft yellow glow of the homes.

They drew closer as he steered into the wind, letting it slow him further and the street glistened black from rain.

No wonder the sky was so rough, he thought as he flared hard and ran to a stop across the wet grass left by the passing storm.

The chute dropped behind him as he yanked on the cords and bundled it up in the roots of a giant oak tree in the front yard.

He studied the home.

And then glared at the house across the street.

Belcher was standing in front of the wrong house.

A shadow moved in the darkness on the other side of the cul de sac and he cursed under his breath.

Almost too late.

Are you ready to save The Child?

Now grab a cold one, gather round the fire and hear tales of daring, bravery and deed that will curl your short hairs.

The Boogeyman

Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the forest, there lived a small and timid gnome named Glimmer.

Glimmer was a peaceful creature who loved nothing more than tending to the flowers and plants in the forest.

He was content with his simple life and had never ventured far from the safety of his home.

But one day, a terrible storm rolled in and Glimmer heard the cries of a child coming from the depths of the forest.

Without hesitation, Glimmer set out to find the child and bring them to safety.

As he made his way deeper into the forest, Glimmer came across a terrible sight.

A fierce and terrifying Wendigo, a demon-like creature that feeds on human flesh, had the child trapped in its grasp.

The child was trembling with fear and Glimmer knew that he had to act fast.

Without any weapons or armor, Glimmer knew that he was no match for the powerful Wendigo.

But he refused to let the child be harmed, and so he bravely stepped forward and challenged the creature to a fight.

The Wendigo laughed at the small gnome, thinking it would be an easy prey.

But Glimmer was not as weak as he looked.

He had spent his life studying the secrets of the forest and knew how to harness the power of the plants and flowers.

With a determined look on his face, Glimmer began to chant an ancient spell that he

The Werewolf

Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there was a tiny gnome named Gnorbert. He lived a peaceful life tending to his garden and helping the animals of the forest. One day, a werewolf was sent to capture a young child who had wandered into the forest. The werewolf was fierce and strong, but Gnorbert was determined to protect the child.

Gnorbert knew that he couldn’t defeat the werewolf in a fair fight, so he used his knowledge of the forest to his advantage. He led the werewolf on a chase through the thick underbrush, using his small size to dart in and out of tight spaces. The werewolf was getting frustrated and tired, but Gnorbert was quick and nimble.

Finally, Gnorbert led the werewolf to a clearing where a group of fairies lived. The fairies had always been kind to Gnorbert, and he knew they would help him. He explained the situation to the fairies and they immediately surrounded the werewolf, using their magic to bind him in place.

With the werewolf trapped, Gnorbert was able to safely return the child to their family. The werewolf was turned over to the forest guardians to be dealt with. Gnorbert was hailed as a hero for his bravery and quick thinking. From that day on, he was known as the protector of the forest, and all the creatures looked up to him as a leader. Gnorbert’s bravery had saved the day and the forest was safe once again.

The Changeling

The Baba Yaga

The Pied Piper

The Wendigo

Once upon a time, deep in the forest, there lived a lone gnome named Glimmer.

Glimmer was a skilled blacksmith and a fierce warrior, known for his bravery and cunning.

One day, while out foraging for food, Glimmer heard the cries of a child.

Without hesitation, he followed the sounds until he came upon a terrible sight.

A Wendigo, a monstrous creature with an insatiable hunger for human flesh, had a young child trapped in its grasp.

Glimmer knew that he had to act fast.

He quickly assessed the situation and devised a plan.

He knew that the Wendigo’s weakness was its heart, which was located deep within its chest.

Glimmer also knew that he would have to get past the Wendigo’s razor-sharp claws and teeth to reach its heart.

Gathering all of his courage, Glimmer charged towards the Wendigo, his sword and shield at the ready.

The Wendigo snarled and lunged at Glimmer, but the gnome was too quick.

He deftly dodged the creature’s attacks, using his shield to deflect its claws and his sword to strike at its heart.

The Wendigo roared in pain as Glimmer’s sword found its mark. The creature released the child and turned its fury on the gnome. Glimmer fought with all his might, but the Wendigo was a formidable opponent.

Just as the Wendigo was about to strike a fatal blow, Glimmer remembered his blacksmithing skills.

He reached for his hammer and, with one final burst of strength, struck the Wendigo’s heart with all his might.

The Wendigo let out a final howl before collapsing to the ground.

With the Wendigo defeated, Glimmer picked up the child and carried him to safety.

The child’s parents were overjoyed to see their son returned to them, and they thanked Glimmer for his bravery.

Glimmer, for his part, was content to have saved the child and to have proven himself as a true warrior.

After that day, Glimmer’s legend spread throughout the land, and he was known as the hero who saved the child from the Wendigo.

He continues to live his peaceful life in the forest, always ready to defend the innocent and fight for what is right.

The Kikimora

The Kelpie

The Minotaur

The Rake

The Black Annis

The Nachzehrer

The Rakshasa

The Boggart

The Gashadokuro

The Aswang

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a warrior gnome named Belcher. He was small in size but fierce in spirit, and he had spent his entire life training to protect his people. One day, a young family came to the gnomes’ village seeking refuge from a terrifying creature known as The Aswang.

The Aswang was a monstrous creature that preyed on human families, and it was feared throughout the land. The villagers knew they had to act fast to protect the young family, and they turned to Belcher for help. Belcher accepted the challenge and set out to hunt down The Aswang.

With his trusty sword and shield, Belcher set out into the forest. The Aswang was cunning and elusive, but Belcher was determined to find it. He searched for days, using all of his training to track the monster. Finally, he caught sight of it in the distance.

Belcher charged towards The Aswang, ready for battle. The Aswang was a formidable foe, but Belcher was a skilled warrior. He fought bravely, his sword flashing in the moonlight. The Aswang fought back with all its might, but Belcher was relentless. In the end, Belcher emerged victorious, having defeated The Aswang and saved the young family.

The villagers celebrated Belcher’s heroics and the young family was forever grateful. From that day on, Belcher was known throughout the land as the protector of the innocent and the vanquisher of The Aswang. His bravery and skill would be remembered for generations to come.

The Strigoi

The Oni

The La Llorona

The Cadejo

The Chupacabra

“The Night Guard: The Boogeyman’s Curse” – The first book in the series introduces the main characters, a group of garden gnomes who are tasked with protecting children from the dangers of the night. The gnomes must face their first challenge when a boogeyman starts terrorizing a young child’s bedroom.

Once upon a time, in a magical garden, a group of gnomes were tasked with a very important mission – to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night. The gnomes were led by a wise and experienced gnome named Gnoah, who had been chosen by the garden’s guardian to lead the group.

The other gnomes included a brave and strong gnome named Gnorris, a clever and resourceful gnome named Gnelda, and a kind and gentle gnome named Gneta. Together, they formed a team of gnomes who were determined to keep the children of the garden safe at all times.

One night, as the children slept soundly in their beds, a boogeyman appeared in the garden. The boogeyman was a terrifying creature who crept into the bedrooms of children, giving them nightmares and scaring them. The gnomes knew they had to act fast to protect the children from this terrible creature.

Gnoah rallied his team and they set out to find the boogeyman. They searched through the garden, looking for any clues that might lead them to the creature. Finally, they came across a trail of footprints leading to a young child’s bedroom. The gnomes knew they had found the boogeyman’s hiding place.

Gnorris bravely stepped forward and opened the door to the child’s room. Inside, they saw the boogeyman, a tall and shadowy figure with glowing red eyes. The gnomes knew they had to act fast to stop the creature from hurting the child.

Gnelda quickly came up with a plan. She suggested that they use their magic to create a bright light that would drive the boogeyman away. Gneta and Gnorris nodded in agreement and together, they used their magic to create a brilliant light that filled the room.

The boogeyman was momentarily stunned by the light and the gnomes were able to grab the child and whisk her away to safety. The boogeyman, now angry, started to chase after them but the gnomes were able to outsmart it and trap it in a cage made of thorns.

The child was safe and sound and the gnomes were hailed as heroes. From that night on, the children of the garden slept soundly, knowing that the gnomes were there to protect them from the dangers of the night. The boogeyman was never seen again, and the garden was safe once more.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. And so, the gnomes continued to watch over the children, keeping them safe from the dangers of the night, and ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

Introduction: The story starts with introducing the idea that garden gnomes are not just mere decorations for gardens, but they have a secret mission to protect children from boogeymen.

Rising Action: The story revolves around a child, who starts experiencing strange and terrifying occurrences in their room at night. The child is unable to sleep and starts to become afraid of the dark.

Climax: The child discovers that a boogeyman is responsible for the strange occurrences in their room. The child, feeling desperate, turns to their garden gnomes for help.

Falling Action: The garden gnomes reveal that they have been protecting the child all along, but the boogeyman has become too powerful for them to handle alone. The garden gnomes enlist the help of other gnomes from neighboring gardens and together, they devise a plan to defeat the boogeyman.

Resolution: The gnomes successfully defeat the boogeyman and restore peace to the child’s room. The child is able to sleep soundly again and the garden gnomes continue to keep watch, ensuring the child’s safety.

Conclusion: The story ends with the child realizing the true power of garden gnomes and the importance of having them in their garden. The child learns to trust the gnomes and appreciates the role they play in keeping them safe from boogeymen. The story also teaches children that sometimes, help and protection can come from unexpected sources and to be open-minded.

“The Night Guard: The Shadow People” – The second book in the series follows the gnomes as they protect a child from the Shadow People, mysterious and malevolent creatures that lurk in the shadows.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who was being terrorized by mysterious creatures known as the Shadow People.

The gnomes knew that the Shadow People were malevolent creatures that lurked in the shadows, seeking to harm and scare the children of the garden. They quickly set out to investigate, determined to protect the child and stop the Shadow People once and for all.

As they approached the child’s bedroom, they could sense the presence of the Shadow People. Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, instructed his team to stay alert and be ready for anything. They cautiously entered the room, but found it empty. Suddenly, they heard a faint sound coming from the shadows. They followed the sound, and soon they found themselves standing in front of a dark and ominous portal.

The gnomes knew that the Shadow People had opened a portal to their realm, and that they had to stop them before they could enter the child’s bedroom. Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and tried to close the portal, but it was too powerful. Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, suggested that they use their magic to create a barrier around the portal, to prevent the Shadow People from entering.

The gnomes worked together to create a barrier of light around the portal, and soon the Shadow People were trapped inside. They could hear the creatures howling in frustration, but the gnomes knew that they were safe.

With the Shadow People trapped, the gnomes were able to rescue the child and bring her back to safety. She was grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for protecting her from the Shadow People.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be.

In the coming days, the gnomes discovered that the Shadow People were not the only threat that they had to face. They had to face more and more challenges but they were always ready for it. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Dream Stealer” – In the third book of the series, the gnomes must confront a powerful creature that has the ability to steal children’s dreams, leaving them in a state of constant nightmares.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who was suffering from constant nightmares.

The gnomes knew that this was a serious problem and that they had to act fast to help the child. They set out to investigate, determined to find the source of the child’s nightmares and stop it once and for all.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that a powerful creature had been stealing the dreams of the children. The creature was known as the Dream Stealer, a powerful and malevolent being with the ability to enter the minds of children and steal their dreams, leaving them in a state of constant nightmares.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Dream Stealer, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Dream Stealer was a powerful creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat it.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Dream Stealer. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to enter its realm and destroy it from within.

The gnomes entered the realm of the Dream Stealer, and soon they found themselves in a dark and twisted landscape. The Dream Stealer was there, waiting for them, a towering creature with glowing red eyes.

The gnomes knew that they had to act fast, and they used their magic to create a barrier of light around the Dream Stealer, trapping it within. Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and used his strength to hold back the creature while Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, used her magic to weaken it.

With the Dream Stealer trapped, the gnomes were able to enter its mind and destroy it from within. They could feel the creature’s power fading as they destroyed its hold on the children’s dreams.

With the Dream Stealer defeated, the gnomes returned to the garden, where they found that the child was no longer suffering from nightmares. She was grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for protecting her from the Dream Stealer.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Monster Under the Bed” – The fourth book in the series has the gnomes face off against an ancient and powerful monster that lives under children’s beds, waiting to snatch them away in their sleep.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who had disappeared from her bed in the middle of the night.

The gnomes knew that this was a serious problem and that they had to act fast to find the child. They set out to investigate, determined to find the source of the child’s disappearance and bring her back to safety.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that an ancient and powerful monster had been preying on the children. The monster was known as the Bed Snatcher, a terrifying creature that lived under children’s beds, waiting to snatch them away in their sleep.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Bed Snatcher, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Bed Snatcher was an ancient and powerful creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat it.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Bed Snatcher. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to enter its lair and destroy it from within.

The gnomes entered the lair of the Bed Snatcher, and soon they found themselves in a dark and twisted underground cave. The Bed Snatcher was there, waiting for them, a towering creature with glowing red eyes.

The gnomes knew that they had to act fast, and they used their magic to create a barrier of light around the Bed Snatcher, trapping it within. Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and used his strength to hold back the creature while Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, used her magic to weaken it.

With the Bed Snatcher trapped, the gnomes were able to enter its lair and destroy it from within. They could feel the creature’s power fading as they destroyed its hold on the children.

With the Bed Snatcher defeated, the gnomes searched the cave and found the missing child safe and sound. She was grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for rescuing her from the Bed Snatcher.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Headless Horseman” – The fifth book in the series takes the gnomes on an adventure to stop the Headless Horseman, a spectral figure that rides through the night, seeking children to claim as his own.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who had seen a spectral figure riding through the night. The gnomes knew that this could only be one thing, the Headless Horseman, a terrifying creature that roamed the night, seeking children to claim as his own.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Headless Horseman, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Headless Horseman was a powerful and malevolent creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat it.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Headless Horseman. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to find its weakness and exploit it.

The gnomes searched the garden, looking for any clues that might lead them to the Headless Horseman. They found an old map that showed the way to an ancient burial ground, where the Headless Horseman was said to reside.

The gnomes set out on their journey, determined to find the Headless Horseman and stop him once and for all. They traveled through treacherous terrain and faced many dangers, but they were determined to complete their mission.

As they approached the ancient burial ground, they could see the Headless Horseman in the distance, riding through the night on his spectral horse. The gnomes knew that they had to act fast, and they used their magic to create a barrier of light around the Headless Horseman, trapping him within.

Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and used his strength to hold back the Headless Horseman while Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, used her magic to weaken it. With the Headless Horseman trapped, the gnomes were able to enter his mind and destroy him from within. They could feel the creature’s power fading as they destroyed its hold on the children.

With the Headless Horseman defeated, the gnomes returned to the garden, where they were hailed as heroes. The children of the garden slept soundly, knowing that the gnomes were there to protect them from the dangers of the night.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Sandman’s Revenge” – The sixth book in the series, the gnomes are fighting against the Sandman, who is seeking revenge for being replaced by modern-day sleeping aids.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who was having trouble sleeping. The gnomes knew that something was amiss, and they set out to investigate.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that an ancient and powerful creature had returned to the garden. The creature was known as the Sandman, an ancient being who was once responsible for helping children fall asleep by sprinkling sand in their eyes.

But the Sandman was no longer needed, as modern-day sleeping aids had replaced him. He was furious and seeking revenge for being forgotten. He was determined to make the children of the garden suffer by stealing their sleep and causing them nightmares.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Sandman, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Sandman was an ancient and powerful creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat him.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Sandman. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to find its weakness and exploit it.

The gnomes searched the garden, looking for any clues that might lead them to the Sandman. They found an old book that contained an ancient spell that was said to be able to banish the Sandman forever.

The gnomes set out to find the ingredients for the spell and performed it, reciting the ancient words with great care. The Sandman appeared before them, furious and determined to stop them. But the gnomes were able to hold him off with the barrier of light they created with their magic.

With the spell complete, the Sandman was banished from the garden forever, and the children were able to sleep peacefully once again. The gnomes were hailed as heroes, and the children thanked them for their protection.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Night Hag” – The seventh book in the series, the gnomes must confront a Night Hag, a witch-like creature that preys on children’s fears and anxieties.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who was experiencing terrifying nightmares. The gnomes knew that something was amiss, and they set out to investigate.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that a witch-like creature had entered the garden. The creature was known as the Night Hag, a powerful being that preyed on children’s fears and anxieties, feeding on their nightmares.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Night Hag, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Night Hag was a powerful and malevolent creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat it.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Night Hag. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to enter its realm and destroy it from within.

The gnomes entered the realm of the Night Hag, and soon they found themselves in a dark and twisted landscape. The Night Hag was there, waiting for them, a towering creature with glowing red eyes.

The gnomes knew that they had to act fast, and they used their magic to create a barrier of light around the Night Hag, trapping it within. Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and used his strength to hold back the creature while Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, used her magic to weaken it

With the Night Hag trapped, the gnomes were able to enter its mind and destroy it from within. They could feel the creature’s power fading as they destroyed its hold on the children’s fears and anxieties. The Night Hag let out a final screech before it disintegrated into nothingness.

The gnomes returned to the garden, where they found that the child was no longer experiencing terrifying nightmares. She was grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for protecting her from the Night Hag.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be.

In the following days, the gnomes discovered that the Night Hag was not the only threat that they had to face. They had to face more and more challenges but they were always ready for it. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

From that night on, the children of the garden slept peacefully, knowing that the gnomes were watching over them, ready to protect them from any dangers that may come their way. The legend of the gnomes had once again proven to be true, as they continued to keep the children safe in the garden.

“The Night Guard: The Tooth Fairy’s Curse” – The eighth book in the series, the gnomes must stop the Tooth Fairy, who has been cursed and now takes children’s teeth in order to keep herself alive.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who had woken up to find that their tooth was missing from under their pillow. The gnomes knew that something was amiss, and they set out to investigate.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that the Tooth Fairy, a once benevolent creature who left coins under children’s pillows in exchange for their lost teeth, had been cursed. The curse caused her to take the teeth in order to keep herself alive.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Tooth Fairy, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Tooth Fairy was a powerful and malevolent creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat her.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Tooth Fairy. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to find the source of the curse and break it.

The gnomes searched the garden and soon found an ancient spell book that contained the curse that had been put upon the Tooth Fairy. The curse was placed by an evil sorcerer who wanted to take over the role of the Tooth Fairy and use it for his own gain.

The gnomes set out to find the ingredients for the spell and performed it, reciting the ancient words with great care. The Tooth Fairy appeared before them, furious and determined to stop them. But the gnomes were able to hold her off with the barrier of light they created with their magic.

With the spell complete, the curse was lifted and the Tooth Fairy was restored to her former self. She was grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for freeing her from the curse.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Sleepwalking Ghost” – The ninth book in the series, the gnomes must protect a child from a Sleepwalking Ghost who haunts their

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who was experiencing strange and terrifying nightmares. The gnomes knew that something was amiss, and they set out to investigate.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that a Sleepwalking Ghost, a being that haunts the dreams of children, had entered the garden. The ghost was determined to make the child suffer by stealing their sleep and causing them nightmares.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Sleepwalking Ghost, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Sleepwalking Ghost was a powerful and malevolent creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat it.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Sleepwalking Ghost. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to enter its realm and destroy it from within.

The gnomes entered the realm of the Sleepwalking Ghost, and soon they found themselves in a dark and twisted landscape. The Sleepwalking Ghost was there, waiting for them, a ghostly figure with a shrouded face.

The gnomes knew that they had to act fast, and they used their magic to create a barrier of light around the Sleepwalking Ghost, trapping it within. Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and used his strength to hold back the creature while Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, used her magic to weaken it.

With the Sleepwalking Ghost trapped, the gnomes were able to enter its mind and destroy it from within. They could feel the creature’s power fading as they destroyed its hold on the child’s dreams. The Sleepwalking Ghost let out a final wail before it dissipated into nothingness.

The gnomes returned to the garden, where they found that the child was no longer experiencing terrifying nightmares. She was grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for protecting her from the Sleepwalking Ghost.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Nightmare King” – The tenth book in the series, the gnomes must stop the Nightmare King, a powerful entity that is responsible for creating the worst nightmares and causing children to have nightmares every night.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who was experiencing the worst nightmares every night. The gnomes knew that something was amiss, and they set out to investigate.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that the Nightmare King, a powerful entity that was responsible for creating the worst nightmares, had entered the garden. The Nightmare King was determined to make the children suffer by stealing their sleep and causing them nightmares every night.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Nightmare King, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Nightmare King was a powerful and malevolent entity, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat it.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Nightmare King. They knew that the key to defeating the entity was to find its weakness and exploit it.

The gnomes searched the garden, looking for any clues that might lead them to the Nightmare King. They found an ancient potion that was said to have the power to banish the Nightmare King forever.

The gnomes set out to find the ingredients for the potion and brewed it, reciting the ancient words with great care. The Nightmare King appeared before them, furious and determined to stop them. But the gnomes were able to hold it off with the barrier of light they created with their magic.

With the potion complete, the gnomes threw it at the Nightmare King and it disintegrated into nothingness. The children of the garden slept soundly, knowing that the gnomes were there to protect them from the dangers of the night.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Shadow Hunter” – The eleventh book in the series, the gnomes must protect a child from the Shadow Hunter, a creature that is able to manipulate shadows to create illusions and trap children in a never-ending nightmare.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from a young child who was trapped in a never-ending nightmare. The gnomes knew that something was amiss, and they set out to investigate.

As they searched through the garden, the gnomes soon discovered that the Shadow Hunter, a creature that was able to manipulate shadows to create illusions and trap children in a never-ending nightmare, had entered the garden. The Shadow Hunter was determined to make the child suffer by stealing their sleep and causing them nightmares every night.

The gnomes knew that they had to stop the Shadow Hunter, but they also knew that it would not be easy. The Shadow Hunter was a powerful and malevolent creature, and it would take all of their skills and abilities to defeat it.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the Shadow Hunter. They knew that the key to defeating the creature was to find its weakness and exploit it.

The gnomes searched the garden, looking for any clues that might lead them to the Shadow Hunter. They discovered that the Shadow Hunter had a weakness to light, and they set out to use this to their advantage.

The gnomes created a powerful barrier of light around the child’s room, trapping the Shadow Hunter within. Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and used his strength to hold back the creature while Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, used her magic to weaken it.

With the Shadow Hunter trapped, the gnomes were able to enter its mind and destroy it from within. They could feel the creature’s power fading as they destroyed its hold on the child’s dreams. The Shadow Hunter let out a final screech before it dissipated into nothingness.

The gnomes returned to the garden, where they found that the child was no longer trapped in a never-ending nightmare. She was grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for protecting her from the Shadow Hunter.

The gnomes knew that their mission was far from over, and that they would always have to be vigilant in order to protect the children of the garden. They vowed to always be ready for the next challenge, whatever it may be. The series continued as the gnomes continued to protect the children of the garden from the dangers of the night, ensuring that they always had sweet dreams.

“The Night Guard: The Final Battle” – The twelfth and final book in the series, the gnomes must confront a powerful and ancient evil that threatens to destroy the neighborhood and put all the children in danger. The gnomes must use all their knowledge and skills they’ve acquired throughout the series to defeat this ultimate enemy and restore peace to the neighborhood.

The gnomes had been protecting the children of the garden for many years, but they knew that their mission was far from over. One night, as they were on their nightly patrol, they received an urgent call for help from the children of the neighborhood. They were being plagued by an ancient and powerful evil that threatened to destroy the neighborhood and put all the children in danger. The gnomes knew that this was the ultimate test of their abilities and knew that they needed to act fast.

Gnoah, the leader of the gnomes, rallied his team and together they set out to confront the ancient evil. They knew that the key to defeating this enemy was to use all the knowledge and skills they had acquired throughout their journey as protectors of the children.

The gnomes searched the neighborhood, looking for any clues that might lead them to the ancient evil. They discovered an ancient artifact that was said to have the power to defeat the evil once and for all.

The gnomes set out to find the pieces of the artifact and assembled it. With the artifact in their possession, they set out to confront the ancient evil. The gnomes encountered the ancient evil, and it was a formidable foe. The creature was enormous, with tentacles reaching out in every direction, and a massive mouth filled with sharp teeth.

The gnomes knew that they had to act fast, and they used the artifact to create a powerful barrier of light around the creature, trapping it within. Gnorris, the brave and strong gnome, stepped forward and used his strength to hold back the creature while Gnelda, the clever and resourceful gnome, used her magic to weaken it.

With the ancient evil trapped, the gnomes used the artifact to seal it away forever. The ancient evil let out a final screech before it was sealed away, the neighborhood was saved.

The gnomes returned to the garden, where they were greeted as heroes by the children. They had saved the neighborhood from destruction and restored peace to the area. The children were grateful to the gnomes for their help and thanked them for protecting them from the ancient evil.

The gnomes knew that their mission was complete, and that they had protected the children of the garden from the dangers of the night. The series had come to an end, and the legend of the gnomes would live on forever.

In the series “The Night Guard” the main characters are a group of garden gnomes who are tasked with protecting children from different dangerous evils that lurk in the darkness, such as boogeymen, shadow people, dream stealers, monsters under the bed, headless horsemen, sandmen, night hags, tooth fairies, sleepwalking ghosts, nightmare kings, shadow hunters and an ultimate ancient evil. Each book in the series presents a new challenge for the gnomes to face and overcome, with the final book featuring an epic final battle where all their knowledge and skills will be put to the test. The series is aimed at middle grade fiction readers and presents an exciting, imaginative and action-packed adventure that will capture their imagination.

Mindset Reset

Mindset Reset

Challenge negative thoughts: Recognize and challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

Practice gratitude: Being grateful for what you have can help shift your mindset to a more positive one.

Set goals: Setting goals can give you a sense of purpose and direction.

Learn from mistakes: Rather than dwelling on mistakes, learn from them and use them to improve.

Surround yourself with positive people: Being around positive people can help improve your own mindset.

Take care of yourself: Taking care of your physical and mental well-being can help improve your overall mindset.

Practice mindfulness: Being present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts and feelings can help improve your mindset.

Keep a journal: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process and understand them better.

Learn something new: Learning something new can help you develop a growth mindset and open up new possibilities.

Be kind to yourself: Practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself, rather than criticizing yourself.

It is important to change or improve your mindset because it can affect your overall well-being and happiness, and can also help you achieve your goals and overcome challenges. A positive mindset can lead to better decision making, improved relationships, and greater resilience in the face of adversity.

Negative thoughts can be a major obstacle to achieving a positive mindset and overall well-being. These thoughts can range from self-doubt and fear, to feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. However, it is possible to challenge and change these negative thoughts by using certain techniques and strategies.

Recognize negative thoughts: The first step in challenging negative thoughts is to recognize when they occur. Pay attention to your thoughts and try to identify patterns of negative thinking. Once you are aware of these thoughts, you can take steps to challenge and change them.

Challenge the thought: Once you have identified a negative thought, take a step back and question its validity. Ask yourself if the thought is based on facts or assumptions. Are there any other perspectives or explanations for the situation? By challenging the thought, you can begin to see it in a different light and gain a new perspective.

Reframe the thought: Reframing the thought means to look at it from a different angle or perspective. For example, instead of thinking “I can’t do this,” reframe the thought to “I may not know how to do this yet, but I can learn.” This can help you to see the situation in a more positive light and focus on solutions rather than problems.

Practice gratitude: Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help shift your mindset away from negative thoughts. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, no matter how small.

Engage in activities that you enjoy: Doing things that you enjoy can help to take your mind off of negative thoughts and improve your overall mood. Whether it’s reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family, engaging in activities that you enjoy can help to reduce stress and promote a positive mindset.

Surround yourself with positive people: Being around positive people can help to improve your own mindset and provide support during difficult times. Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you, rather than those who bring you down.

Seek professional help: If negative thoughts are interfering with your daily life, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can help you to identify and challenge negative thoughts and provide you with strategies for coping with them.

Challenging and changing negative thoughts takes time and practice, but it is a worthwhile effort. By recognizing and reframing negative thoughts, practicing gratitude, and seeking professional help when needed, you can work towards a more positive mindset and overall well-being.

Practicing gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to shift your mindset and improve your overall well-being. Gratitude is the act of recognizing and appreciating the good things in your life, no matter how small. It can help to reduce stress, improve relationships, and increase feelings of happiness and contentment. Here are some practical tips for practicing gratitude on a daily basis.

Keep a gratitude journal: One of the simplest and most effective ways to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal. Each day, take a few minutes to write down things you are grateful for. These can be big things, like your health or your job, or small things, like a beautiful sunset or a kind word from a friend. Reflecting on these things each day can help to shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life.

Write thank you notes: Sending a thank you note to someone you appreciate can not only show them how much you care, but also help you to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship with that person. It can be a simple message, or a more formal note, either way it is a great way to practice gratitude.

Share your gratitude with others: Sharing your gratitude with others can help to increase positive feelings and strengthen relationships. Take a moment to tell a friend, family member, or colleague what you appreciate about them.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts and feelings. Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and the things you are grateful for. This can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of contentment.

Incorporate gratitude into daily routines: Incorporate gratitude into your daily routines can make it a habit. For example, say a quick thank you before a meal or before going to bed.

Reflect on the past: Reflecting on past experiences and the things you are grateful for can help you to appreciate the present moment even more. Take a moment to think about the things you are grateful for from the past year, or even from your childhood.

Practice gratitude in difficult times: It can be harder to practice gratitude when things are tough, but it can be especially important during these times. Take a moment to think about the things you are grateful for, even if they are small. This can help to shift your focus away from the negative and towards the positive.

Practicing gratitude is not a one-time thing, it’s a habit, the more you practice the more you will find yourself thinking of things to be grateful for. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can develop a habit of gratitude and experience the many benefits it has to offer.

Setting goals is a powerful tool for achieving success and shifting your mindset towards a more positive and productive state. Goals give you a sense of purpose and direction, and when combined with micro goals, they provide a clear roadmap to follow on your journey towards success.

Start with a big picture goal: The first step in setting goals is to determine what you want to achieve. Start by thinking about your overall goal, or your big picture. This can be something related to your career, personal development, or any other area of your life that is important to you.

Break down your big picture goal into smaller, more manageable goals: Once you have your big picture goal in mind, break it down into smaller, more manageable goals. This will make it easier to focus on the steps you need to take to achieve your goal.

Set clear and specific goals: Setting clear and specific goals will help you to stay focused and motivated. Be specific about what you want to achieve, and make sure your goals are measurable and achievable.

Create a plan of action: Once you have set your goals, create a plan of action. This will help you to identify the steps you need to take to achieve your goal, and will give you a roadmap to follow.

Set micro goals: Micro goals are smaller, more specific goals that help you to work towards your big picture goal. These goals are usually short-term and can be achieved in a shorter period of time. Micro goals can help to break up a big goal into smaller, more manageable chunks, making it easier to focus on the progress you are making.

Prioritize your goals: Prioritizing your goals is important because it helps you to focus on the most important tasks first. Determine which goals are most important to you and focus on them first.

Be flexible: While it is important to have a plan, be open to making adjustments as needed. Things may change along the way, and you may need to adjust your goals or plan of action.

Celebrate your progress: As you work towards your goals, celebrate the progress you are making. This will help to keep you motivated and remind you of the progress you are making.

Setting goals and working towards them is essential to shifting your mindset towards success. By setting clear, specific, and achievable goals, and breaking them down into micro goals, you can work towards success one step at a time. Additionally, by creating a plan of action, prioritizing your goals, and celebrating your progress, you can stay motivated and on track towards achieving your goals.

Learning from mistakes is a crucial part of personal and professional growth. Making mistakes is a natural part of life, and it’s important to learn from them in order to improve and avoid making the same mistakes again. Here are some practical ways to learn from your mistakes:

Reflect on the mistake: Take some time to reflect on the mistake you made. Think about what went wrong and what you could have done differently.

Take responsibility: Own up to your mistake and take responsibility for it. This is an important step in learning from your mistake and moving forward.

Learn from the mistake: Analyze the mistake and try to understand what you can learn from it. Think about what you can do differently next time to avoid making the same mistake.

Communicate with others: If the mistake affected others, communicate with them and let them know what you learned from it. This can help to build trust and understanding.

Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Don’t dwell on the mistake or beat yourself up over it. Instead, acknowledge the mistake and focus on what you can learn from it.

Look for the silver lining: Try to find something positive that came out of the mistake, even if it’s just the opportunity to learn from it.

Implement a solution: Once you’ve learned from the mistake, come up with a solution to prevent it from happening again. This could be a new process, a change in behavior, or a new perspective on the situation.

Share your learning: Share your learning with others, by doing this you can help others from making the same mistakes and also you can get feedback and a different perspective on the situation.

Learning from mistakes can be a difficult process, but it is essential for personal and professional growth. By reflecting on your mistakes, taking responsibility for them, and learning from them, you can improve and avoid making the same mistakes again. Additionally, by communicating with others, practicing self-compassion, looking for the silver lining, and implementing a solution, you can turn mistakes into valuable learning experiences.

Self-awareness is a crucial aspect of shifting and growing your mindset. It refers to the ability to understand and acknowledge your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and how they impact others and the world around you. Self-awareness can help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and to identify areas where you can improve. Here are some tips for developing self-awareness:

Reflect on your thoughts and feelings: Take some time each day to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. This can help you to identify patterns of thinking and to understand how your thoughts and feelings impact your actions and decisions.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts and feelings. This can help you to develop self-awareness by becoming more aware of your thoughts and emotions as they happen.

Get feedback from others: Seek feedback from others, it can provide you with valuable insight into how others perceive you and can help you to understand how your actions and words may be impacting others.

Keep a journal: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you to process and understand them better. It can also be a useful tool for reflecting on your actions and decisions.

Take responsibility for your actions: Take responsibility for your actions and decisions, it can help you to understand the impact they have on yourself and others.

Learn from your experiences: Reflect on your experiences and try to understand what you can learn from them. This can help you to identify patterns of behavior and to make changes to improve yourself.

Embrace vulnerability: Embrace vulnerability and allow yourself to be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Doing so can help you to be more self-aware and can also help to build trust and understanding in relationships.

Seek professional help: If you find it difficult to develop self-awareness on your own, seeking professional help can be beneficial. A therapist or counselor can help you to develop self-awareness and provide you with strategies for coping with difficult thoughts and emotions.

Self-awareness is essential for shifting and growing your mindset. It can help you to understand yourself and your actions, and to make positive changes in your life. By reflecting on your thoughts and feelings, practicing mindfulness, seeking feedback from others, keeping a journal, taking responsibility for your actions, learning from your experiences, embracing vulnerability, and seeking professional help when needed, you can develop self-awareness and improve your overall well-being.

Finding positive people to surround yourself with can be a challenge, especially when you’re trying to change your mindset or limit negative influences. However, there are several solutions that can help you achieve this goal.

One of the biggest challenges is identifying who the positive people are in your life. This can be difficult because people often present a facade to the world, hiding their true selves. To overcome this challenge, pay attention to how people make you feel when you’re around them. Do they uplift you and make you feel good about yourself? Or do they bring you down and make you feel negative? Once you’ve identified the positive people in your life, make an effort to spend more time with them and less time with the negative influences.

Another challenge is that it can be hard to limit negative influences when they are close to you, such as family members or coworkers. In these situations, it’s important to set boundaries and make it clear that you will not tolerate negative behavior. This can be difficult, but it’s important for your mental and emotional well-being.

One solution for limiting negative influences is to surround yourself with positive role models. These are people who embody the qualities and values that you want to emulate. By surrounding yourself with positive role models, you’ll be more likely to adopt their positive habits and attitudes.

Another solution is to engage in activities that promote positive thinking and well-being. This can include things like meditation, yoga, journaling, or therapy. These activities can help you clear your mind of negative thoughts and focus on the present moment.

In summary, finding positive people to surround yourself with can be a challenge, but it’s important for your mental and emotional well-being. Solutions include identifying positive people in your life, setting boundaries with negative influences, surrounding yourself with positive role models and engaging in activities that promote positive thinking and well-being.

Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining a positive and healthy mindset. A balanced approach to self-care can help improve overall mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote feelings of happiness and well-being.

Physical well-being involves taking care of the body through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper sleep. Exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, and boost self-esteem. It also helps to improve the overall health of the body by strengthening muscles and bones, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can also help to improve overall health, as well as help maintain a healthy weight. Proper sleep is also essential for physical well-being, as it allows the body to rest and repair itself, and can help improve mood, memory, and cognitive function.

Mental well-being involves taking care of the mind through activities such as mindfulness, meditation, and therapy. Mindfulness practices, such as yoga and meditation, can help to reduce stress, improve focus, and promote feelings of calm and relaxation. Therapy can also be an effective way to improve mental well-being, as it provides a safe and supportive space to process emotions, work through past experiences, and develop coping strategies for dealing with stress and difficult situations.

Overall, taking care of both physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining a positive and healthy mindset. By incorporating regular exercise, a balanced diet, proper sleep, mindfulness practices, and therapy into your daily routine, you can help to improve overall mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote feelings of happiness and well-being.

Mindfulness is a practice that involves paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. It has been shown to have a number of benefits for mental health and well-being, including reducing stress, improving mood, and increasing focus and concentration. One of the key ways that mindfulness can help to shift and improve mindset is by promoting a more positive and accepting attitude towards oneself and the world.

One of the most important aspects of mindfulness is learning to observe one’s thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without becoming caught up in them. This helps to create a sense of distance from negative thoughts and emotions, making them less overwhelming and easier to manage. Mindfulness also encourages a focus on the present moment, which can help to reduce worry and anxiety about the future or regrets about the past.

Additionally, mindfulness practices can help to promote self-compassion and self-acceptance. This is because it allows individuals to observe their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations with a non-judgmental attitude, which can reduce feelings of self-criticism and negative self-talk. This self-compassion can help to shift mindset towards a more positive and accepting attitude towards oneself and the world.

Another way that mindfulness can improve mindset is by helping individuals to develop a greater sense of self-awareness. This includes becoming more aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations, as well as the way that they interact with each other. This increased self-awareness can help individuals to identify and understand their own patterns of thinking and behavior, which can be useful for making positive changes in their lives.

In conclusion, mindfulness is an effective practice for shifting and improving mindset. By promoting a non-judgmental attitude towards oneself and the world, reducing stress and anxiety, promoting self-compassion and self-acceptance and increasing self-awareness, mindfulness practices can help individuals to develop a more positive and accepting attitude towards themselves and the world.

Taking care of one’s physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining a positive and healthy mindset. Our physical and mental well-being are closely connected, and taking care of one can have a positive impact on the other. Here are some ways that taking care of your physical and mental well-being can help improve your overall mindset.

First, regular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical health. Exercise can help to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and boost energy levels. Additionally, regular exercise has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety and improving overall mood. Exercise also helps to release endorphins, which are natural chemicals in the body that promote feelings of happiness and well-being.

Eating a healthy diet is another important aspect of physical well-being. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Eating a balanced diet can also help to maintain a healthy weight, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Additionally, a healthy diet can help to improve mood and cognitive function.

Getting enough sleep is also crucial for both physical and mental well-being. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Chronic sleep deprivation can also increase the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. On the other hand, getting enough sleep can help to improve mood, cognitive function, and overall physical health.

Taking care of your mental well-being is also important for maintaining a positive mindset. This includes managing stress, practicing mindfulness, and seeking help if needed. Stress can have a negative impact on mental health, contributing to feelings of anxiety and depression. Mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Additionally, seeking help from a mental health professional can be beneficial if you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression.

Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining a positive and healthy mindset. Regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and practicing mindfulness can all help to improve physical and mental well-being and promote a more positive mindset. It is also important to seek help if needed and not to hesitate asking for professional help if needed.

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a powerful tool for understanding and processing them, and ultimately, creating a better mindset. The act of putting your thoughts and feelings into words can help to make them feel more tangible and less overwhelming. It can also help to provide clarity and a sense of perspective, which can be especially helpful when dealing with difficult or confusing emotions.

One of the key benefits of writing down your thoughts and feelings is that it allows you to organize your thoughts in a logical way. This can be particularly helpful when dealing with complex or difficult emotions, as it allows you to break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. It can also help to identify patterns or themes in your thoughts and feelings, which can provide valuable insight into your own thought processes and behaviors.

Writing can also serve as a form of self-reflection, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions. This can be especially beneficial when you are struggling with a particular issue or problem, as it can help you to identify the root cause of your feelings and develop strategies for coping with them.

Another benefit of writing down your thoughts and feelings is that it can serve as a form of self-expression. Being able to put your thoughts and feelings into words can be cathartic and can help to release pent-up emotions. This can be particularly helpful when dealing with difficult or overwhelming emotions such as anger or sadness, as it can provide a healthy outlet for expression.

Moreover, writing down thoughts and feelings can be helpful for problem-solving. When you are feeling stuck or uncertain about a particular issue, writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you to explore different perspectives and generate new ideas. It can also be helpful for tracking progress and setting goals, as you can review what you have written in the past and see how your thoughts and feelings have evolved over time.

In conclusion, writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a valuable tool for understanding and processing them, and ultimately, creating a better mindset. It can help to organize complex emotions, provide insight into your own thought processes and behaviors, serve as a form of self-reflection, self-expression, and problem-solving. It is a simple yet powerful technique that can be practiced regularly to improve overall well-being.

Learning something new can be a powerful tool for developing a growth mindset and opening up new possibilities. A growth mindset is the belief that one’s abilities can be developed and improved through effort and learning. By embracing a growth mindset, individuals are more likely to take on new challenges, persevere in the face of setbacks, and ultimately achieve their goals.

One of the key benefits of learning something new is that it helps to foster a growth mindset by challenging the belief that abilities are fixed. When individuals take on a new challenge, they are forced to stretch their abilities and push themselves out of their comfort zones. This can be difficult and uncomfortable, but it is also the key to growth. When individuals are able to overcome these challenges and achieve their goals, they gain a sense of accomplishment and a belief in their own ability to improve and achieve.

Learning something new also helps to open up new possibilities. This is because learning new skills and knowledge expands one’s understanding of the world and oneself. It can also open up new career and educational opportunities, as well as personal growth. For example, learning a new language can open up new opportunities to travel or work in a different country, learning a new skill such as programming can open up opportunities for a career change.

Additionally, learning something new can also help to boost self-confidence and self-esteem. When individuals are able to achieve something they never thought possible, it can be a powerful boost to their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. This can also help to improve overall mood and well-being.

Furthermore, learning something new can be a great way to keep the mind active and sharp. Especially as we age, it is important to continue to challenge the mind and learn new things in order to keep it sharp and healthy. Learning new skills can also help to boost creativity and problem-solving abilities, making it an important aspect of personal development.

In conclusion, learning something new can be a powerful tool for developing a growth mindset and opening up new possibilities. It helps to challenge the belief that abilities are fixed, opens up new opportunities, boosts self-confidence, keeps the mind active, and sharp. It’s a great way to continue personal development and growth, and should be embraced as a lifelong process.

Practicing self-compassion and being kind to oneself, rather than criticizing oneself, can be a powerful tool for improving overall well-being and mindset. Self-compassion involves treating oneself with the same kindness, concern, and understanding that one would offer to a good friend. It is about being understanding and forgiving of oneself, rather than being overly critical and harsh.

One of the key benefits of practicing self-compassion is that it can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. When we are overly critical of ourselves, we tend to focus on our mistakes and shortcomings, which can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. On the other hand, self-compassion helps us to focus on our strengths and achievements, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Practicing self-compassion can also help to improve mood and overall well-being. When we are kind and understanding towards ourselves, it can promote feelings of happiness and contentment. Self-compassion can also help to improve relationships with others, as it allows individuals to be more accepting and understanding of others’ mistakes and shortcomings.

Furthermore, self-compassion can help to improve self-esteem and self-worth. When we are overly critical of ourselves, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. On the other hand, self-compassion helps us to accept ourselves for who we are, which can help to improve self-esteem and self-worth.

Additionally, practicing self-compassion can be helpful in promoting personal growth and change. When we are kind and understanding towards ourselves, it can make it easier to identify and work on areas of our lives that we would like to improve. Additionally, self-compassion can help us to be more accepting of our mistakes and failures, which can make it easier to learn from them and make positive changes in our lives.

Practicing self-compassion and being kind to oneself, rather than criticizing oneself, can be a powerful tool for improving overall well-being and mindset. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and overall well-being, improve self-esteem and self-worth, and promote personal growth and change. It’s important to remember that self-compassion is a learned skill, and it takes practice to incorporate it into our daily lives.

Consistency is one of the most impactful secret habits for changing one’s mindset and ultimately changing one’s life. When it comes to personal growth and development, consistency is key. It’s not just about taking action once in a while, but making a habit of taking consistent actions that lead to change.

The power of consistency lies in its ability to turn small actions into big results over time. By consistently taking small steps towards our goals, we can achieve significant progress and make real changes in our lives. Consistency also helps to build momentum, making it easier to maintain progress and stay motivated.

One of the most impactful ways to be consistent in changing your mindset is through daily affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that help to reprogram your mind and change the way you think about yourself and the world. When you repeat affirmations consistently, you can start to believe in them and see the changes in your life.

Another habit that can be impactful in changing your mindset is through journaling. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding. It can help to identify patterns and themes in your thoughts and behaviors, and by regularly journaling, you can track progress and see how your mindset has changed over time.

Meditation is also a habit that can be powerful in changing your mindset. By consistently taking time to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment, you can learn to observe your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve focus and concentration.

In addition, exercising regularly can be beneficial in changing your mindset. Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost self-esteem. By being consistent with your exercise routine, you can improve your physical and mental well-being, and that can lead to a change in your mindset.

Consistency is one of the most impactful secret habits for changing one’s mindset and ultimately changing one’s life. By consistently taking small steps towards our goals, we can achieve significant progress and make real changes in our lives. Incorporating daily affirmations, journaling, meditation, and exercising into your daily routine can be powerful tools to change your mindset and improve your overall well-being. Remember consistency is key, it is important to be consistent in taking the actions to change your mindset.

I asked an AI to help me write this SCI FI and this is what happened

What happened when I wrote a SCI FI Adventure with an AI Droid

The cargo ship hovering over the dusty landing site blew sand particles into its spacesuit and helmet. He didn’t feel the grit when he threw it, but he heard it bounce off his fortified skin. Jon Renard rolled his head forward and marched out of the shuttle bay, his helmet still in place.

“Status, Torres,” he mumbled into his phone.

“Reading you fine, Captain,” Torres sounded in his earpiece. “Sensors are showing eight miles of desert, sir. Nothing living for miles. Caldatrans has landed in the middle of nowhere.”

“Good,” Renard muttered under his breath. He was strapped to his suit with six pieces of equipment. One was a three-foot rifle that displayed terabytes of data on his lenses.

The burn marks, cracks and bruises on the spacesuits told Jon they were fresh from combat or wounded, but he can’t see any signs. The visor had been placed on the front panel and the visors had been placed over the front panel. Jon doesn’t know the names, he doesn’t know if the strangers were crammed into the back of a metal box or if they had fallen on the Red Planet. He doesn’t know their names or where they were born, only that he knows they are foreigners.

Jon knew it was his job to scan the corpses. He didn’t see the blood, but some of the brown must be from staining. He checked the cracks, checked some of the pieces of equipment, and some of the pieces of equipment. One of the lenses on his equipment would be able to detect any fatality, determine some of the cause of death, and see the actual pits of the Red Planet.

In the satellite view, he saw a small circle, which was about 700 meters from the large circle, were the ship was on the Red Planet. In the satellite view, only the shadows of the ship on the Red Planet was seen.

A hose fell into the hold and sucked the dead out of the just-emptied compartment, and it rolled into a car loaded with black, sealed body bags. A dozen warriors hobbled out, trudging through the sand, trudging more grit over each other so that the ubiquitous wind could catch them.

The burn marks, cracks and bruises on the spacesuits told Jon they were fresh from combat or wounded, but he can’t see any signs. The visor had been placed on the front panel and the visors had been placed over the front panel. Jon doesn’t know the names, he doesn’t know if the strangers were crammed into the back of a metal box or if they had fallen on the Red Planet. He doesn’t know their names or where they were born, only that he knows they are foreigners.

They even piled up the bodies, which did not help in salvaging the sandblasting of the wind, no matter how short they were. The blown up transport, the man told the veteran, but they still left on the shuttle. It was the only way from this planet, and it was only a few hundred kilometers away, not even a hundred miles.

Renard slung the explosive device over his shoulder and shuffled toward the main camp, and the wind lifted and doused his new uniform with red sand.

Chapter Two

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 2’

The Sun is the same from Earth as Mars, but it marches in circles around the nine planets and Pluto, which orbits within its system. The rotation of the planet corresponds to that of our home world, so that the glowing sphere appears on the eastern horizon, which would be our home. It turns red and casts a glimmer of colour over the valley floor below, and the light glistens like a crest of mineral formations.

The ground beneath their feet was slippery and unsafe as they climbed the ridge, but Renard could not hear the crunch of his boots in the sand, nor could he feel the cold, wet sand beneath his feet, only the warm, salty air.

Although his suit was air-conditioned and sealed, he was sweating from the heat of the sun and the cold, salty air in the air above his head and body.

Water vapor would collect from his breath, sweat, and even urine if he bothered to make one, but it would be recycled for recreation. He missed a step or a foot and water dripped down his face and fell on the moisture collector who was working overtime to dehumidify the air. The comb hit him and he thought he was drinking his own pee, so he hit the comb. As he got caught dangling on a rock in the dirt, Renard flipped over and jumped up.

He stared into the red sky and came to a halt, with his back to the sky, and stared at him for a few seconds, then back at his feet.

Squadron Leader Desmond Harper stood on top of the ridge and spread his legs in a secure posture that looked like a pirate king surveying his territory. The rest of his crew spread out around him, ten nervous men staring at their leader.

Desmond stretched out a fist to grab her attention, and a man’s helmet found its way up to her head. Desmond did not want to think about it, although he was sure that they were using shortwave, a closed loop, for encrypted digital signals that could not be captured with a single call from a receiver. command, “he said to himself, his voice as loud as the wind in his hair and as clear as a bell.

Hell knew it, they always seemed to be on patrol, ready for an ambush, but perhaps they were listening for a moment.

Desmond made a graceful jump, landed next to Renard and pushed him forward, his head on a swivel joint, his field of vision limited by the helmet. He pulled the slider on the back of his pack and waited until he reached twenty feet before getting the other man to follow him.

The front of his first suit was cut out of a massive helmet designed to withstand the immense pressure of the atmosphere. The design was better than the first generation, but it looked like a fish shell welded together into a bubble. This iteration, the third or fourth version, looked like it had welded fish shells together and formed bubbles. It was virtually impossible for him to fight well, and he looked down on himself, his eyes wide open in shock when he saw all this.

He pressed the carbon dioxide filter of his suit against his chin and pulled his fingers to the handle of the gun. He looked at his whole body, which was upside down, and even now a leak crept up on him. Although everything he knew had disappeared, he still had to watch it, even though he couldn’t even breathe.

The radio link was open, and paranoia was an early sign of a gas mixture problem, but he didn’t even notice.

He spotted something half buried in the sand in front of him and reached out his fist to signal him to stop before falling to one knee. When someone was attacked, they would grunt, shout or make noise, but no one would hear them. Desmond marched towards him, falling on his back, knees, head in hands.

I can’t see what you’re talking about, but I’m pretty sure it’s not the same as the one above, “he muttered, eyes wide open.

Renard raised one hand and pointed to Desmond with the other, which he held tightly in his hand like a gun. Desmond followed the instructions and stood up, wide-eyed with fear and fearlessness, as he followed Renard’s instructions.

His face was withered and mummified, staring through a broken face pane as he marched out of his spacesuit and onto the sand dunes at the naval base. The explosive engineer burned his face, mouth open in a permanent scream and his eyes wide open, as if he had been burned by a explosive engineer.

Desmond clicked on the communicator and typed in the request: “I won’t hurt you,” he leaned forward to capture the signal recovery sign.

If you do it as I say, you may live another day or two, but if you don’t, I have to do what I said and you will live maybe a day or two.

Renard saluted, adding before leaving the valley: “Get the grazing animals up here to show you the new meat to kill. Renard trudged forward and trudged, but lost his footing in the loose sand. This time he slipped down the slope, landed on the ground and lost his footing again.

Desmond jumped up and climbed up the hill, but the grazing animals crowded around him, and he had to jump down and climb down.

Renard told him his name was painted in block letters on the sleeve of his suit, and he looked up to the other long-distance runners in his team. He didn’t want to know, because one of those scaly bastards was there with two clicks. The grunting in the spacesuit carried a few burns, but Renard told him to paint the name in blocks of letters over the sleeves of the suit.

The Graz man marched up, stood 30 feet away from the group, but the rest of the team ignored him as the last man standing. The simulation never ended, and they pushed Renard out and pushed him away, then back into the simulation, back to the other side.

Renard nodded, checked his feet, and Weber typed in the ad, but the reflective protection on Weber’s face paled in comparison to what he could see from it. His piercing blue eyes stood in stark contrast to the dark brown of his hair and the bright blue of the sun’s rays.

Mars doesn’t have an atmosphere like we do at home, but I don’t think it will hurt to be further away. If you play too much gamma, you can release it at the end of the day, just like on Earth, and I’m sure Mars does.

One of my relay colleagues rushed back to Weber, and his face darkened to show a bone etched in granite. He scratched his name on his sleeve and rummaged through his hastily-drawn replacement.

Weber smiled, put his hand on Renard’s shoulder and began to move him forward with the rest of the group. The day went on for a few more hours until we were all back in camp, ready for the next day’s relay.

I don’t know when we’re done or if we need more, but I’m sure there’s a leak where we’ve caught it taking the device out of our hands.

Chapter Three

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 3’

In the late afternoon, just before dark, I met the rest of my group, fifteen soldiers and twelve men, who defeated me. From the perspective of the wide horizon, the Martian desert seemed insignificant to me, and less so from the perspective of the people beyond.

The troops worked with buckets to dig fox holes in the sand, and we formed a small group of four or five men, one for each side of our group.

The open radio link meant we had to pass the sigh to the other marines in our company. The silence, grunting and breathing worked, but the alternative was a mess as they tried to click their way through different channels.

Here we come, “said one of the suits, and I stood up next to my company commander, the name Burly up his sleeve.

We were rolled over and thrown off, three reservoirs thrown into the sand and small geysers rising, adding grit to the wind. The Marines had stopped when a tiny hoverjet rolled over the horizon and got into position.

The role-playing game zoomed over the hills behind it, flapping its wings and lighting the sky in glowing fireballs. From his position, Cree watched the hovering flight – Jet raced past us, his eyes wide open as he saw him racing towards us.

The commander returned to his foxhole, and I received a call from headquarters. – I know you are here, but I am sorry that I have to return.

At the edge of the perimeter, Weber instructed Renard and Bellhop to widen the hole they had dug, and the three worked together.

Weber drew a number in the sand and pointed to it with the tip of a shovel, and Renard wanted to join the man who had shown him the first kindness he had seen on this hard planet. He had known it first – friendliness in training, but he didn’t want to have a man like that, even if he had been shown some of it in training. After the rest of the group switched off the radio, Renards tapped on his headset and Bellhop clicked the communication channel to a new frequency. Bellhops tapped him in the arm to do the same, and both nodded.

The music rang out as the other men on the team dug the next hole, and Renard thought of a six-foot-deep grave. After some rough measurements, the hole was finished and the music stopped, but not before Renards thought about it for a moment.

They began covering the walls with plastic alloys to seal the Martian floor, and he railed: “I’ve never seen such a structure. He fell with his back to the wall into the hole, hands on hips and feet on the ground.

Bellhop said: “This little hole will be a piece of heaven for you tonight and you can breathe in the fresh air and lie down. I know how to grunt, I’m not bad at it, but this will be the best place I’ve ever been.

The two men laughed together, the kind of laugh that comes from a casual sense of familiarity. They laughed so much that they stopped laughing when Commander Cree heard music on the headset frequency. Eight weeks ago, there was no music in the air, only the sound of his own voice and that of other people’s voices.

Desmond and Burly left the outpost they had built and went outside. The three men looked around and began to attract attention, particularly Desmond and the other two men in the group behind them.

One struck back the reflective visor of the Cree’s windshield and, with the troop leader in tow, headed for the next hole. If you get a visit tonight, I want to know what you got into, “he said.

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 4’

At the edge of the perimeter sits a man in a spacesuit with a body that fits like hardly any other and a vibrating shovel that moves with practiced ease. The name GEAR was etched on the side of his suit, along with his name and the name of a group of other people.

He dug a deep hole in the sand, pulled out an explosive device and pulled it out. He saw an empty landscape and lay down in a sand – face down to the desert, lying – on the ground, with his back to the wall of the hole. Renard was preparing to jump when he squeezed out a combo and fell into the fox hole he had just completed.

He did not fall asleep, but fell asleep in the middle of the desert, with his back to the wall of his foxhole – face down – to the ground, lying – on his back.

Desmond barked over the radio, Renard looked over to Weber and gave a gloved thumbs-up, then back to Weber, eyes wide open.

Weber pushes the control panel to the side of the plastic wrap, and before Renard can even strut around, he is covered in a layer of dust. A pale energy bowl that hides everything behind it like opaque glass, but is only a few centimetres thick.

There is a fox pit that serves as a command center, and he sees other solitary bodies scattered in far-off lines. He trudges to the gearbox position and waves to the passers-by, but there is no sign of him. Renard marches to a corridor in the frame, holds it for a click, then it goes on.

He scrapes a hole with his shovel, kneels down and lies down to observe the darkness. As the sun drifts over the horizon, shadows cast over the valley and plunge in at dusk. There is a faint filtered atmosphere, the pollution that hides behind the faint glare, but the stars that dive into the desert in soft white glow bring everything to life. Renard lies down on the floor and watches in the dark until everything is finished, eyes wide open.

He wondered how long the first guard had lasted and what would come to relieve him, but he did not know much about licking.

Most of them would have been 1.80 meters tall, if the hologram had been correct and he had known the world. It had come from Planet Nine, a dark planet discovered by scientists as it orbited Pluto after its expulsion from planetary ethics. It was discovered by a scientist who had been orbiting Pluto.

He had been a child when the shuttle crashed into Central Park and told the world about the universe and its tiny city. Renard didn’t care, it wasn’t about saving the earth, it was just about the survival of humanity and the preservation of his family.

He found out how the government had taken over Space X and Boeing during the war under the critical domain clause, and then rewarded owners and shareholders with trillions of dollars worth of contracts. The war on Mars was a war for the planet, the rich stayed in the safety of their homes and worked on building the city’s protective ramparts, and the poor were drafted in and drafted in. The arms companies became rich by providing poor-quality weapons, shelter, and food to poor idiots who were driven to the Red Planet to fight for a way of life they had never enjoyed.

He couldn’t put a vacuum seal on his office, but he could put food from Mars’ atmosphere on his helmet by hand. He could help those who spent their first night in the sun, stop the invasion and keep them off the planet, and he had to do that.

He studied the desert, imprinting the contours of the rocks and the shapes that the sand created. He really tried to keep his eyes moving as he had been taught, but the darkness and numbing pain in his stomach preoccupied him.

He was thinking about how many ridges he had to walk to reach this position, and he thought of his home from day one. He thought about the instruments he was taught in training to keep his mind focused and relaxed. Inhale and exhale, he practiced, breathed, breathed and breathed until his eyes remained closed while he put on his helmet.

He could not move his legs, but he could not move his arms, hands or feet, not even a bit, because of the pain in his back.

He knew he had been cast in another shade, but he just couldn’t raise him any more. The wind had created a makeshift dune in which he could hide his body, from which he grew, and all that concealed him was his helmet and his torso.

Ten metres before him, the starlight was blocked by a shadow, and his eyes tracked the rocks on the horizon in search of them. Renard looked down at the connection embedded in his helmet, then back to the stars. He moved his huge mustache – a helmet-shaped helmet over his head – and circled the dune.

He would have been heard in the distance if it had not been for his own voice in his head, which sounded a warning: “No.

The second one disappeared into the darkness, and a number of them approached him slowly, one after another, slowly but surely, until they were almost gone.

He wanted to move the IED and fire a shot to get there, maybe he wanted to warn the others, but he didn’t want to. He took one, while the other opened the vice and killed it, and then another took it down, opened the vice and killed it.

He felt the weight of the water on the sand when it fell, he almost crushed the giant with his leg, but he could not.

The second leak stopped in front of him, his eyes glued to his leader’s back, the red lights on Renard’s helmet flashing and bouncing off his visor.

Lick jumped back and swung his blaster up and down, but the laser was on third and hit him in a puff of smoke. Leak jumped up again, his eyes wide open, and the lasers were pointed at him, striking him with plumes of smoke.

The leader swung around and fired into the valley, and the force of the explosion caught the man in the shoulder and turned him over. Renard screamed through the headset as he fired back, but the device pierced the chest plate and he rolled all the way over. The leader fired in a depression and his head hit the ground, his eyes wide open and wide – eyes wide open.

An explosive bolt struck Renard in the back and ripped open his air tank, and an explosive mixture of air burst into the atmosphere, hurling the gear bearings that carried it around the perimeter into the air. The Marines fired back, creating a web of laser beams that answered the shadow at the border. A flickering field of force collapsed in a shower of dust and the air gasped as bodies boiled in fox holes.

Renard watched as blue stars appeared in his eyes as he struggled for air and the pressure on his head rose. A red mist sprayed from the blood vessels of his nose and out of sight, but his eyes were blocked and he could not see.

He put the plaster back on, grabbed it and rolled it on his back with his hands in front of his face. He cut the damaged pipes with a laser knife and circled the second air tank, but the regulator was damaged and had to be reinstated.

Weber jumped out with the gun, hit him in the shoulder and gave a thumbs up – but Renard didn’t answer Albiet as quickly as a second. He sucked air into his suit, which filled the tank and held it in plaster, and ran for the IEDs around.

He pushed and rolled until he felt he could breathe, but by then it was too late – he could not breathe.

Licks lost the element of surprise and disappeared again into the stylistic darkness of the Mars desert. Desmond held the IED to his hip as he approached the dead, but there were no wounded Marines around him.

Spy Burly raised a finger and made a hand gesture that caught the attention of Weber and Bellhop. Commander Cree slipped next to Desmond and they both looked up as the Marines retreated to safety from their foxholes. They reached the aisles and spotted a few more marines in the back of the store, all with their hands in their pockets.

Let’s see what we have in common with the rest of the Marines at the back of this shop, not just one or two, but a whole lot of them.

Cree and Desmond were heading toward the foxhole when Weber and Bellhop reached it, but no one gave Renard an order. He didn’t know what to do, so he slipped to the edge of the foxhole and sat down in the corner. A long, thin body jumped out and lay down in the hallway, and a short time later another.

The leaks had matching spacesuits and recognisable airpacks, but he couldn’t see his trademark moustache. They had all been iced over on the plastic – covered in soil and torn open by nasty-looking pressure wounds.

I walked on, “Desmon said, wide-eyed with surprise at the sight of the two men in front of him and the three men behind him.

Renard struggled to get up, but Bellhop grabbed him and lifted him off the wall into a more comfortable position. He cowered next to Renard, went through the walls and bent down to examine the prisoner.

How much was left, how much was left, and how long was he dead, or how many days, weeks, or months?

Renard pulled a second pack out of the tube and studied the reading, and Bellhop laughed and shook his head. He pulled an air canister from his backpack and passed it on, and Renard studied his reading.

Desmond finished questioning the prisoner and he knew where to sleep, but he owed it to his people, damn it, to him.

He dragged himself out of the hole and hung one arm out for a lick, but two Marines, Tay and Stoker, jumped with him.

He jumped out of the hole, followed by Cree, and Desmond stared at Renard and Bellhop from the corner of his eye for a few seconds, then back at Cree and Stoker.

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 5’

Weber waited until the other two Marines jumped back down before dropping the lid on the perimeter. He activated the force field and made a circular motion with his hand, and Weber and I both nodded.

Weber crawled over and plopped back into his lap, and Renard took off his top and had it unbuttoned. Bellhop leaned forward and rapped his face, a quick hiss from his helmet filling the tiny bubble. Weber crawled back to me and I plopped back on Weber’s lap, and he had his back against me.

Since we lost all integrity, we had about five seconds to lock ourselves in a back-and-forth fight between the two of us for the rest of the night.

The mood in the foxhole was joyous, as the survivors of the attack were relaxed and happy to be alive and alive.

Renard looked around for the name on his sleeve and tried to match it to a face he could remember. Weber Bellhop leaned against the wall to the side, his carbon black skin contrasting with his pale blue eyes. Tay the goat – Redbeard from the wilderness of the South – sat absent – with a grin on his face.

Wang sat alone in the corner, crouched and bent over, shouting at Renard for a moment, “Renard!

I didn’t have a horn but I needed a rest and the last time I slept after an attack, Stoker hit the back of my elbow.

I was in a state of mind, “Leroy said in a soft voice, but we were both in very different states, and that was the reason.

Renard opened the MRI and placed it on his leg, but did not want to pull the man out. The first bag was probably still in the wind, and he had forgotten a little more until he was again supplied with supplies.

He reached for the hard bread while he was working on repairing the slider, but the scheme on the inside flap of his suit did not match the reality of the regulator’s work.

He pulled the button out of his lap and began to work on it with fast, precise movements that were far too rehearsed. The supplier had confused the contract and combined the wrong suit with a cheaper, less reliable regulator.

I had nothing to exchange here and no one would help me pay the price. I was afraid that the old man would ask me.

I don’t know shit, but I want to live two weeks so I can learn something and then we go home. Bellhop said: “I don’t want you dead, send your children here, I don’t know, you don’t want me dead.

The repaired speed control returned to Renard, who took off his helmet, put on his airpack and put it on. The violent man broke off and showered me with red dust, but as soon as I sealed everything, he broke free.

Desmond fell into the hole, but then I shut my mouth and Sargent got out and he fell back into his airpack.

Weber saluted as his windshield switched to reflector mode, but something else overshadowed the joyous mood. Renard watched for a moment, then climbed out of the hole, and the men inside did the same, one by one.


The sunrise on Mars happened abruptly.  The sun rolled up over the horizon spreading a bright band of light that marched like a line across the sand.

Renard saw the glow pass over his feet and keep moving away from him and stopped to turn and stare.  The burning orb reflected on the golden tinted visor in his helmet.

He turned back to point and kept moving through the sand, his footsteps a little more sure with experience, but still uncertain as he learned to move the weighted footplates in ligher gravity.

The radio in his helmet sputtered.

“Hold up,” Desmond instructed them.

Renard stopped and lifted his blaster to the ready. Nothing moved in front of him.  Just dunes, a hill, depressions in the rock full of dust and sand.  Somewhere past the nothing was the lion’s den. Beachhead.

“Weber. Stoker.  Move up. Triangulate point.”

Weber and Stoker moved with graceful ease up to Renard and shifted ten paces to either side of him.  Weber cleared his faceplate and shared a wink with Renard before going reflective again.

“I didn’t seen anything.”

“That’s just what they want you to see,” said Stoker.

“Radio quiet,” Desmond instructed. “Let’s go.”

They trio marched foward, slower this time as they searched the ground ahead of him.

“Pssst,” Weber hissed over the radio and they froze.

He slid across the sand to ease up next to Renard, his blaster trained on a shadow under an overhanging rock.

Renard spied the bunker dug  into the ground and camoflaged with a hill of sand.

Weber scouts the terrain, signals Desmond.  Their leader edged up to the overhang, helmet on a swivel as he tried to keep eyes everywhere.  The bunker could be a feint with Licks hiding under the sand ready to pop up and ambush them. Or they could be waiting in the darkness ready to boil out like ants as soon as some silent trigger was released.

Desmond motioned Renard to follow him in.  The moved to the edge of the of the overhang and peer under.

It’s a long shallow trench that runs along the length of the rock, carved out of the sand and extending in the darkness further than they can see.

The rest of the squad pulls tighter to form a half circle around the trench. Half faced in, rifles held ready and the other half turned out, watching and waiting.

Desmond clicked his radio.

Weber silently slipped over the side of the hill and down into the trench.  Another click sent Leroy and Wang to stand sentry on each edge of the trench, their faces hidden by visors.

Wang fidgeted with his gear as he stood, checking his power clip, his air canister as his eyes roamed the darkness in the ground and the sun drenched landscape around them.

Weber dropped to his stomach and flashed a maglite off the end of his rifle barrel.  The LED beam lit up the interior of the rock like a miniature sun.  The light revealed more carved rock and a tunnel that extended even further.  Weber crawled down the tunnel, his knees and elbows scratching a zig zag pattern in the dust.

Desmond lowered his rifle and pulled a tablet out of a suit pocket. He keyed it and followed a glowing dot that represented Weber as he disappeared into the tunnel.

Wang looked over at Leroy standing as still as a statue

Desmond keyed a button and a grainy video image from Weber’s helmet transmitted back to him.

The image washed over a figure leaning against the tunnel wall.  The tip of his rifle moved toward it carrying the light further in to show it was a Lick.  Dead and mummified.  A blast hole in the suit it wore.

Weber crawled toward it, dragged the rifle off the body and kept advancing.

Leroy glanced toward the other squad members as they watched the landscape. He turned back toward the trench.

A Lick popped out of a sand covered tunnel in front of him. It blasted him backwards.

The other Marines in the squad hit the ground and returned fire.  Desmond screamed for calm as the men blasted the ground around the Lick, the rock overhang.

The Lick slid back into the tunnel and began to run into the darkness.  A blast sent it out of the hole into the open, a smoking crater in it’s chest.

Weber crawled out covered in sand and grime.

“Hold your fire,” he keyed over the radio. “Hold your fire.”

He climbed out of the second bunker entrance and knelt to check on Leroy.  The Lick hit him in the chest, almost the same spot where it took a round.  He started stripping the supplies off the body.

“That tunnel branches off five times just in the leg I was in.  If each of those five branches off again-“

His squadmates turn around to examine the land they just traversed.  They could be surrounded by Licks hiding in the sand ready to pop out or drag them down.  They had no way of knowing, but it felt like they were in it pretty deep.

“Did you see a communications array?” Desmond asked.

“Just because I didn’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.”

“They could know we’re coming.”

“Or they might not communicate the way we do.  This could be an independent unit, like us, working on its own for the same goal.”

“Stopping us.”

“Yes sir.”

Desmond turned to Renard and Tay.

“Sweep the perimeter. Everyone meet on my mark. Bring Leroy over here.”

Bellhop and Wang lifted Leroy’s blasted body up by the arms and draggged him through the sand.  They laid him down without ceremony in the trench by Desmond and turned back to watch with the others.

Nothing stirred behind them except for the dust, the wind.  Renard thought it was one of the weirdest things about being on Mars.  The lack of sound.

Sure it was easy to hear the breathing of his squadmates over the open communicator lines, but the wind on earth would whistle, howl, or just rattle as it shifted over and and around things.

Up here it all happened outside of his suit a self contained little world tha tleft him feeling disconnected from the environment.  Not that there was much connection back in the atmosphere, but at least he could hear. It was one of the first lines of defense growing up on the streets.  One developed a keen ear for danger approaching.  Footsteps in the dark. The roar of a hoverjet engine as the homeless were hunted for conscription into the Marines.

Here there be dragons and silence.

They couldn’t hear them roar.

“Our mission may have been compromised,” Desmond announced, his voice tight.  “They might be watching us now.  We don’t know.  I need all eyes open. I need all periscopes up.  We move in radio silence and fast.  Our goal is that damn gun emplacement.  If you are the last god damn man standing, they you move for that gun and gut it. Got it?”

“Yes sir,” the radios squawked softly.

“Bellhop. Wang.  Pull point.”

The two Marines checked the powerpacks on their rifles and began the slow jog across the sand, feet touching off little dust storms the wind picked up to carry across the valley floor.

The rest of the men fell in with them.

“Run quiet. Run fast. Stay alert,” Weber jogged next to Renard and clapped him on the shoulder.  Then he was gone, moving ahead so that Renard could only see the sand colored suit as they spread out.

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 7’

I shuffled on as the turtle made a fast pace across the sand, wondering what the others thought of my noise. I tried to resist it, hoping to stave off the cramps when they came in, but the net by my side grabbed me like a vice. With every breath I took and exited, I heard the rustle of the sand and the sound of the turtles breathing, as well as my own.

I felt like I was reeling, and my internal compensators were working overtime against the heat that was growing in my suit. The sun was burning, but I thought it was hot, not cold, because I remembered the global warming of the sun on my skin, as well as the cold in the air.

The ship creaked as the retro rocket fired sporadically to maintain its position, and I slept crammed into the back of the boat with hundreds of other recruits. After the hum of the ion engine in my bedroom stopped, I felt that the ship was leveling off in orbit. The red lights on the lock door began to buzz when a siren sounded from outside my ship.

The simple door, which was supposed to allow only one man to pass through, was divided into sections in the event of a break-in. The men ran through the doors, bolted their helmets and grabbed their weapons, and the bodies piled up around the lock.

Renard hit the ramp to the shuttle and made sure she was purple – running against Sargent, who was shouting at her to run.

One of the recruits grabbed her by the elbow with one hand and the other with the other, and she had to turn away from him.

Renard, fully aware of the obvious, slipped out of his jumpsuit and clamped the straps tightly, and he slipped back into his suit. He checked the seals on his helmet as the shuttle’s engines roared and took off from the deck. An enemy rocket smashed into the ship’s door as it flew through, the concussion tossed it over the side of a ship and sent it into space. Renard felt the shuttles spinning and pushing him back in his seat as they raced toward the exit.

The recruits inside were screaming as the sound in their sealed helmets included the sounds of the rocket exploding and the screams of their parents.

Renard closed her eyes and saw the lifeless body of Sargent trapped in a vacuum and not bouncing off the shuttle’s fuselage. The pilot skidded, took off, jumped to the edge of the atmosphere and landed on the ground.

The interior of Renard’s shuttle rocked wildly, and the second shuttle sped uncontrollably toward her and Sargent in the back of the shuttle.

She could feel the missiles hitting the atmosphere as the pilot struggled for control, and her voice came through the headset. They approached, but she could only throw them through the edge that cut into her legs as they approached.

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 8’

Captain Mike Dawson stared at the curvature of the Red Planet as his ship entered orbit. His young face shook with worry as he watched the atmosphere of the rocket crash onto the ship.

A distress signal was sounded from the ship and a red light began to swing over the bridge, a second shouted in hand red.

A rocket rose from the ship’s battery and raced into the Martian atmosphere, an explosion shook the ships as the enemy rocket hit the hull.

The shuttle bay was hit, the integrity of the fuselage was lost and seconds turned into minutes when the rocket slammed into the bridge. The shuttle bays had been hit and the ship’s engine room was strewn with debris.

Dawes climbed out and watched the smouldering carnage as smoke fell on him and shrapnel pierced the back wall and blasted into the headquarters.

Anne, the communications officer, retreated to the station and switched on the radio with an automatic announcement. The hand rescue capsule repeated the loop in a loop for the next five minutes, until the last voice of Anne’s voice echoed through the room.

Dawes grinned briefly, and Dawson entered the coordinates of the bridge head into the landing. The first mate did not leave the station, but he grabbed Anne’s ensign and pushed her through the corridor to the life ring. We’ve parachuted in and the command ship is ready, “he shouted at Dawson.

He shut down the computer, lit the ion engine that turned the vast world into a hell bunker in ninety seconds, and then ran over the bridge to join the others. He saw what would be his first and probably last command action, but then he locked and locked.

The locks, designed to automatically slam on a section, whispered and eventually caused the fried computer systems to be rerouted and restarted. Dawson was sprinting towards the bridge when sparks flew from the walls and firecrackers fell from the ceiling. He walked past the two dead crew members, who had been eaten by the explosion, and into the bunker.

He just managed to miss one of the lifebuoys, almost sacrificing one hand and racing towards the locks. He narrowly missed it as he hurtled towards the lock, almost sacrificing his one hand for it.

Dawson raced towards the door but Columbus said “there’s no place here,” and his first mate swung the hatch and turned it shut. The huge rocket veered off course and when it drilled directly into the red planet, it began to explode in flames and fireballs. Seven shuttle rescue capsules were launched into space when explosions and rocket fragments repeatedly hit the fuselage.

Renard got up and got out, but he stopped and stared at the scorched, crumpled remains of the Global Thousands of feet scattered in the desert.

That’s what body bags are for, “said the Bellhop,” and I let the whole squad do the talking, but I can’t keep the chatter going. “

The rest of the crew fell to the ground as they searched the perimeter, but Weber fell over and turned around and fired as the leak slid back into the sand through the tunnel. A leak came out of the sand and blew Stoker out: “I didn’t get a shot in the back,” he said.

It was silent for a moment as he inhaled through his helmet and then the sound of his own breathing and that of the other crew members.

He sees the sand swirls swirling around his body as the air is vented into the atmosphere. Renard hears the clanking of a leash and crawls out of the sand onto his smoking body. The suit is fused with his flesh and he can’t even see through his helmet as he inhales and exhales.

He is still alive, Renard hisses, but it is impossible that he is alive; his medical care and education have not caught up with him. His body floats in the air for a few seconds before bursting into flames.

The expectation is that we will die or live if we are hit by Mars, but I don’t want to die here; if I were alive, I could send you back on the shuttle.

Weaver shuffled out of the sand tunnel into the hole, and the men waited and looked for more leaks, but no more.

Weber reached the edge of the hole, pushed his gun into the sand and fired a few shots, but he reached out and pushed Renard aside so he could lean on Stoker. Bellhop slipped in next to Renard, then pushed him to the side so he couldn’t lean on Stokers.

Weber slipped off his side and landed on the ground with a flick, but landed next to him. Desmond jumped up and ran to his aid, and the two of them pitched up next to each other on the grounds and offered each other cover.

As Weaver rolled upright and fired back, Desmond returned fire, and firecrackers roared through the darkness, spinning the sand beside him like glass. He rolled to his right and stared in disbelief at the black surface of the hole with his eyes wide open.

The explosion filled the darkness with a flash of brilliant energy, and Heater grabbed Renard’s arm and pulled him close. Could you please make sure your legs are straight, “he shouted, wide-eyed with fear and his own.

He put a strong hand on Stoker’s shoulder and pressed it down to assure him he was close. Desmond crunched the sand and knelt beside him, grinning and winking. Weber walked toward Renard, tapped him with the vice and grinned, then back to the heater.

Renard patted his legs, arms and pockets, but all he had was a laser knife, and the fuck med kit always let him down. He watched his eyes wander into the land of the dying, and then back to Renard’s face, then to his own.

Desmond cut himself with the blade, but Stoker grabbed the handle from Renard’s hand and pressed it down on his neck. Weaver grabbed his arm and pulled it back, and he fell to his knees in front of him, hands in the air.

Weber picked it up and handed it over to Bellhop, but Renard was gagged by his helmet, and Weber’s helmet broke off. I can throw him at him and he can’t get up, so I put my helmet around his neck and throw him down.

Desmond stood up next to him and gave Renard the laser knife back, and he gave it back. His firearm was blown off, but the drug package had morphine, so his final minutes may be a little more relaxed.

He did not belong here, but who cared if a bunch of aliens wanted to make this damn place his home, he was concerned for nothing more than his own safety.

So let’s blow the hell out of this goddamn laser bench and get the damn hell down from here, that’s damn right. Bellhop grabbed Renard by the arm, picked him up, moved Stoker back and helped Weber dispose of the shares they split.

Weber said, staring into the darkness of the red sand: “That’s it, we’re picking them all up one by one. Desmond led them back to the tunnel and they were picked up by Bellhop, Weber, Renard, Stoker and the rest of their team.

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 9’

As the sun settled lower in the Martian sky, the shadow of the earth brought with it the smell of burning facades and smoke. The damage was so minor and so severe that it would cause serious damage to the Earth’s atmosphere.

The ship first hit the ground with its nose and tipped over, with the deck crumpled when the broken half fell to the side. The Marines were able to view the space in the cargo bay that had entered the atmosphere and the debris field spread across the crater crust, making it difficult to cross in a straight line. Three shadows – soaked figures came out and fought each other on patrol to the side of the craters. One of them fell to the ground on a ridge of dunes created by the impact crater and came to rest on the ground.

He wore an inappropriate spacesuit, which was sealed with the atmosphere as he hurriedly dressed him for a quick escape. His other two companions were similarly dressed and had their names painted on their sleeves as veterans of the Mars campaign. Desmond paused before raising his fist, his hand in the air in a gesture of respect.

He retreated and could not see his face through the reflective visor, it was covered in soot and smoke. He replied to the Navy with his own grin, but he couldn’t see his face due to the reflectors.

He raised his weapon, sent a bang into the atmosphere and looked at the flashing lights in the sky on the edge of it. If the season hadn’t started with that, “Davis said, trying to remember, looking up.

Weber, Bellhop Renard and Tay moved towards the crater rim and three other figures emerged from the shadows and huddled around the man on the crest.

Desmond said: “Your instructions have changed and you should forget about going ashore, sir, I’m sorry but we will have to.

We can meet again, then we can wait for you, and then I’m sure you’ll see us again in the next few days, “he told Desmond.

Desmond waved at the crater, and the massive metal of the ship melted with the sand, it would be a good place to set up camp for the night. They formed a solid wall to defend themselves against any enemies who wanted to break through or break through the fortifications.

Bellhop Tay jumped out of the Global to serve as a guard, and as they made their way to the line, Desmond continued his way. He scanned the empty horizon, his eyes looking for signs of life or even the slightest sign of danger from the enemy.

The veteran turned and slipped out of the Global, joined Weber and helped him dig a hole in the ground, and then returned to join him in his work.

Weber looked over to Bellhop Tay as the men fell into the fox hole one by one and the light quickly faded. Renard joined Brooks and Jones and they talked on the radio, but the lights quickly dimmed. Desmond jumped down the slope and stood in a foxhole, wide-eyed with excitement when they finished.

He looked around again before stepping aside and pulling everyone out of the hole, but they were too close to separate now. He sat up and landed on the ground, his movement bringing him to the ground on his back in front of Bellhop Tay and Renard.

Weber scanned the force field and sent a shimmering glow across the top of his hiding place. Sand and dust drifted in the air, darkening the peaks with the deepening shadows of the night.

Columbus joked, “We will be the first human colony on Mars.” But would the colony last long enough to have the thunder he ate from?

Checking on his suit’s reading, Dawson said: “We don’t have enough air to make it, but we would boil it all up.

This would reduce the accumulation of CO2 in the suit, but would affect our ability to move effectively. We have 24-hour care built in, and maybe we could expand that to 28 by reducing the oxygen flow. I will have to make some calculations to see how much we should limit the flow and whether this could be achieved.

The longer we sit at the landing site, the harder it becomes for us to get further, and the less oxygen we need.

So we have to try to move forward, but what can we do and what chance do I have of moving forward if we stay here? We have no options left, so we will do what we can, move on and have a chance if I can.

Dawson and Columbus both mutter: “I don’t answer, but I fear we’ll fall behind,” Columbus mutters, and Dawson nods.

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 10’

Davis settled down in the sand, leaned back against the wall and leaned against it, the man undid his helmet and lay down on his lap with his helmet on. He did the same with his hands on the back of his head and his arms around his shoulders.

Weber reached into his leg pocket for a few ration packs and bent down to give Davis and Renard one before tearing one.

The bloody, brutal battle had set the tone for the rest of the war, ravaging hundreds of thousands of Marines. The men grunted and shook their heads, their grunting was the only sign of hope of victory in the face of such a brutal attack.

Bellhop screamed out of the hole, the baby-faced boy shrugged his shoulders, his eyes lit up as he dipped into the memory.

A young girl walked past four street thugs sitting in a car, her face belying a world-weary attitude. A large group crowded past the car and into the parking lot, a little boy and a girl in the back seat.

The tall man jerked in the alley and grabbed her by the arm, and she began to scream, but fleshy paws covered her mouth and strangled her. The other boy had strong limbs around him, his smooth soft skin scratching at the rough concrete splinter, leaving red scratches and blood marks. He attacked the girl like a wolf that surrounded prey, and she fell to the ground, her head on his chest and her body on his.

Tears flowed from under the streetlights as he tore off her clothes, and she gasped for air, her eyes wide and wide with terror.

Weaver unbuttoned his trousers and climbed inside, and as he pushed, a muffled cry echoed in her ear. He examined her as she struck, the boys cheered and grunted encouragingly, but he didn’t.

The big thug grabbed her pants and ripped them off the girl’s body, and Weaver collapsed to his knees, his head in his hands and knees.

Riot police had come in with batons and Tasers, and as loud voices echoed through the alley, the headlights all dipped into a bright light.

The last thing Weber saw before nightfall was the girl’s staring eyes, and he fell onto the tarmac, his head bouncing off the black. He woke up in the cargo hold of a ship and sat up, twenty – five other convicts crowded around him. His hands were tied to one side and the pipe was tied in his hands as armed guards dragged him down the strip. The icy metal was icy and froze over his skin, but he sat still as he was handcuffed and handcuffed to his sides.

Weber’s feet were also tied to the floor and he tried to move them, but the men were praying while the others were crying, pleading or sitting still.

If you don’t shoot through the force field, you die, drop the weapon, and die within seconds or even less than a second, or you die.

You go to the building on the top of the hill and choose one, and your goal is to demolish it or you die.

Her face is covered by a black reflective vice that casts a distorted reflection of a convict on himself. You look almost more like an animal than a human, almost like a dog or a cat or even a human, but not like an animal.

The pipe through which the man is chained comes off the wall and he slips off the hard surface of the planet while the thug groans. He steps on a small metal plate that is welded to the walls when opened, pouring its contents into the red dust on the surface of Mars. Loose clothes flutter in the wind as he trembles and trembles, his eyes wide open in terror.

He stands at the foot of a hill strewn with rubble, staring at a five-story building built above it, the only sign of life.

Leaks leans into an opening in the side of the building and blasts into a cargo ship that races through the force field, away from the convicts. He spies a huge generator that rests not far from Weber’s position and an artificial atmosphere that spreads from his dome.

One of the convicts jumps up to open his, takes a bolt from his chest and jumps into the air by opening his suitcase. The second man picks up a gun, pushes the lid off and the suitcase is thrown to the ground.

The weapon rattles the ground, the explosion cuts it in half and he turns to return fire. The man pulls out his weapon and punches him in the neck, the weapon fires and it rattles to the ground.

Weber notices that more and more of them are pouring out of the door, one by one they are pulling out the leaks in the building. He knelt down, grabbed the explosive device and tried to look for the weapon, but when he saw the third convict next to him, he stared at him as if he were not working.

He pressed the power button, pushed it back and pressed it again, this time for a few seconds, but to no avail. Someone grabbed a gun and ran out of the building with a number of other inmates in tow, all with guns in their hands.

Weber fired a shot through the door and three bolts were sent through three bodies, but he fired a shot into the next alien who then appeared next to him.

Two of the inmates joined in when they returned fire from outside, but Weber knew who they were. They were outnumbered and the licks dropped off when they were picked up, so they died quickly and Weber had to be a duck.

Biting smoke and the smell of burnt meat filled the apartment and clouded his vision, but he fired back. He stopped a few feet from the shooting aliens and fired until his battery ran out, then crawled from boulder to boulder behind the building and searched the ground.

The other two men followed him, one from behind, the other in front of him with his weapon in his hand and the third behind him on the ground.

One of them hurled a weapon at Weber and it exploded, hitting Weber in the face and enveloping him in a red, fine mist that matched the color of the sand. Weber flipped over, checked the powerhouse and shot at the weapon cabinet below, but it triggered a fireball that rolled on impact and spread flames that slid back inside through the force field of the dome.

The other inmates jumped out and fell down the stairs as he opened the door and gained access. He fell through the leak into the stairwell and ran out of the building, but the confused aliens fired at him and killed him, and he ran.

The offender pushed his body against Weber as he let go of his gun, but the convicted man pushed him aside to get to the roof first. An open window collapsed as Weber and the convicts went upstairs, and he pushed their bodies back into Weber before unleashing his rifles.

Weber fought the body weight, Weber pulled the explosive device of the dead man and shot the unknown man. The stairs rattled and the advancing series of leaks pushed him to the ground with a hissing, growling sound. He fell forward into the stairwell and Weaver was struggling with his body weight when Weber shot him.

Weber flipped over, picked it up and crawled up the stairs, the body of the prisoner brother lay scattered on the slope, it was smoking. He crawled through the door to the roof and looked up, ready to shoot the last alien, and moved to the edge. The flames flickered and smoke billowed from the weapons crates.

He fell over on his knees and was the last man standing, he looked hard, hard looking, and he stood over the body of his brother, the brother of the prisoner and the alien.

Two shuttles floated on the horizon and glided through the force field into the artificial atmosphere. The Marines poured out of the open ramp doors and set up a perimeter as the second group began loading supplies.

He left the building and walked up the hill, holding his gun by his side, and Weaver trudged after him as he stepped over the bodies of the surrounding men.

The Marines stopped work and trained their explosives technicians on soot – dirty, dirty men as they approached. Weber looked around, looked at the corpses, wiped the wound from his face, and looked down at his bloodied clothes. He looked over at each body and then back at Weaver, wide-eyed with horror.

Burly pushed Weber off the command ship’s ramp as it rested in the shadow of the building called the Citadel. He wanted to be in his command tent in ten minutes, but Burly had to push him down the ramp.

Rewriting Of ‘Chapter 11’

Dawson lifted his weary foot out of the sand and put it back in front of him, but no air was wasted. Columbus had an air canister strapped to his leg and stretched it out and adjusted the flow to fill his suit with oxygen.

He took three big breaths and said, “No more walking” as he walked, and Columbus grunted and fell over. Anne stepped next to him and cranked him up and down, but he fell back again, this time on his knees, his back against the sand, his head down.

He was still twenty kilometers away, but he felt the ability to think again, and the waves in the air helped him. Shortly afterwards, the sun was on the horizon, turning over his face into the sky. It turned the sky into a line of bright light, and even the stars in his vision had disappeared.

The faint glow of starlight flooded him as the light increased, and it gave the shadows a life of their own.

When we get there they say radio contact, but we can’t find supplies, so we have to go and look for them.

Anne reaches out and leans into his arm, but he loses his balance as the effort sucks the energy out of his oxygen – hungry muscles. As he struggles to get up, he hears him swearing and gasping and collapses next to his captain. Dawson stumbles off the rock and falls to his knees, Anne bends over him, stretching out her arms.

He knew they were in enemy territory, and only luck saved them from detection, but when they got there they still needed air and shelter. They marched at a pace that would propel them to the top of the world before sunset. After a few steps Columbus reached down, turned the dial on three air canisters and knew he had reached it.

During the journey across the planet towards the destroyed spaceship, only three tiny creatures had managed to get there undetected. If so, he would not have thought that his small weapon would do much to stop the executioner.

Anne nodded and reached for her canister, which she turned back down, but Dawson helped her to rise and the air revived him. The click was supposed to scream out, and Anne nodded again, this time with a smile on her face and a nod from Dawson.

Dawson took his tray and took the lead again, and the other two fell behind him, but not before he took off his pills and took the lead again.

The Confidence Code – a guide to designing your perfect life


Here is a list of 25 classic motivational books that should be on every reading list for self improvement, wealth building, and changing lives:

One of the best ways to become a champion for yourself is to work on self improvement every day.

Self improvement doesn’t mean something is wrong with who you are, it just means you could be building and creating a better life.

The best way to do that is to create a mindset, and live an intentional life.

I do this by reading and listening to books packed with knowledge and information.

That way, I learn something or relearn something and grow as a person every single day.

The great thing about this list of books is just how simple some of the messages can be.

Not easy to implement, but simple to start.

And there is a commonality among them that you will learn is the key to any success.

Be disciplined.

Show up.

Do the work.

Strive for more.

These are the keys, the simple secrets to getting after it and getting it done.

The question you should ask yourself is, what’s holding you back?

Read and absorb these digests and then set your goals and start getting after it.


Right now.

No planning, no delay, no doing the dishes until you are ready.

Do one thing, right now.

Go for a walk.

Write your goal in a notebook.

Anything to get started.

Because getting started is the hardest part.

Don’t wait.

Do it now.


The power of positive thinking is a concept that has been discussed and written about for centuries. It is the idea that our thoughts and beliefs can have a powerful impact on our lives and that we can use the power of positive thinking to improve our circumstances and achieve our goals.

There is a growing body of scientific evidence to support the idea that positive thinking can have a number of beneficial effects on our health, happiness, and overall well-being. For example, studies have shown that people who engage in positive thinking tend to have lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as higher levels of happiness, life satisfaction, and overall well-being.

Positive thinking can also help us to be more resilient and better able to cope with the challenges and setbacks that life throws our way. When we focus on the positive, we are more likely to see opportunities rather than obstacles, and we are better able to bounce back from setbacks and failures.

There are a number of ways that we can cultivate positive thinking in our lives. Some simple strategies include:

Focusing on the present moment and on what is going well in our lives, rather than dwelling on negative thoughts or past failures

Setting positive, achievable goals and working towards them

Surrounding ourselves with positive, supportive people

Practicing gratitude and regularly expressing our appreciation for the good things in our lives

Engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment

Being kind and compassionate towards ourselves and others

It is important to note that positive thinking is not about denying or ignoring the negative aspects of our lives or the challenges we face. Rather, it is about finding ways to approach these challenges with a positive and constructive mindset, and believing in our own ability to overcome them.

Overall, the power of positive thinking is a powerful tool that can help us to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. By cultivating a positive mindset and focusing on the good things in our lives, we can not only improve our own well-being, but also have a positive impact on those around us.


“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

“Think and Grow Rich” is a personal development book written by Napoleon Hill that outlines a system for achieving success and wealth.

The book is based on Hill’s interviews with successful businesspeople and entrepreneurs, and it provides practical advice and strategies for achieving financial and personal success.

Here are the main points outlined in the book:

Define your goal: Clearly define what you want to achieve, and make a plan to achieve it.

Develop a positive mental attitude: Adopt a positive mindset and cultivate a can-do attitude.

Take action: Take consistent and persistent action towards your goal, and don’t be afraid to take risks.

Use your imagination: Use visualization and creative thinking to help you achieve your goals.

Seek out mentors and advisors: Find people who are successful in your field and seek their guidance and advice.

Build a strong network: Build relationships with other successful people and create a supportive network of advisors and peers.

Persist through adversity: Don’t give up in the face of setbacks and challenges, and stay focused on your goal.

Use autosuggestion: Use positive affirmations and self-talk to help you stay motivated and focused.

Use the power of your subconscious: Use techniques such as visualization and self-hypnosis to tap into the power of your subconscious mind.

Master your emotions: Learn to control your emotions and use them to your advantage.

Overall, Think and Grow Rich is a practical guide to achieving financial and personal success, providing concrete strategies and techniques for achieving your goals.


“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a best-selling self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. The book aims to help readers develop personal and professional effectiveness by adopting seven habits that Covey believes are essential for success.

The seven habits are:

Be proactive: Take responsibility for your actions and decisions, rather than reacting to events or waiting for others to solve problems.

Begin with the end in mind: Define your goals and vision for the future, and make decisions based on your values and priorities.

Put first things first: Prioritize important tasks and activities, and manage your time and resources effectively.

Think win-win: Seek mutually beneficial solutions to problems and conflicts, rather than trying to win at the expense of others.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood: Listen actively to others and try to understand their perspective before attempting to communicate your own.

Synergize: Work with others to create a greater whole by combining different strengths and perspectives.

Sharpen the saw: Take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being to maintain balance and effectiveness.

Overall, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a comprehensive guide to personal and professional effectiveness that encourages readers to take control of their lives


“The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking is a self-help book written by Norman Vincent Peale and published in 1952. It has sold millions of copies worldwide and has been translated into multiple languages.

The main idea of the book is that an individual’s thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape their reality. Peale argues that by cultivating positive thoughts and attitudes, we can overcome challenges and achieve success in our personal and professional lives.

The book provides practical techniques for cultivating positive thinking, such as:

Focusing on the present moment and letting go of negative thoughts about the past or future

Believing in yourself and your abilities

Setting goals and taking action to achieve them

Using affirmations to reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs

Practicing gratitude and counting your blessings

Peale also stresses the importance of faith and prayer in cultivating positive thinking. He cites numerous examples of individuals who have used positive thinking to overcome adversity and achieve their goals.

Overall, The Power of Positive Thinking is a classic self-help book that encourages readers to take control of their thoughts and beliefs in order to create a more positive and fulfilling life.


“Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins

Awaken the Giant Within” is a personal development book written by Tony Robbins, a motivational speaker and life coach. The book aims to help readers take control of their lives and achieve their goals by identifying and changing their limiting beliefs and behaviors.

Here are some of the highlights from “Awaken the Giant Within”:

Your emotions drive your actions: Robbins argues that our emotions drive our actions, and that we have the power to choose how we feel and react to events in our lives.

You are responsible for your own life: Robbins encourages readers to take responsibility for their own lives and circumstances, rather than blaming others or external factors.

Change your beliefs to change your life: Robbins argues that our beliefs shape our reality, and that by changing our beliefs, we can change our lives.

Use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to change your thoughts and behaviors: Robbins introduces the concept of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a system for changing our thoughts and behaviors by altering the way we communicate with ourselves and others.

Set and achieve powerful goals: Robbins provides a step-by-step guide for setting and achieving powerful goals, including how to define your goals, create a plan to achieve them, and take action to make them a reality.

Harness the power of your body language and physiology: Robbins discusses the importance of body language and physiology in shaping our thoughts and emotions, and provides tips for using these tools to our advantage.

Build strong relationships: Robbins discusses the importance of building strong, meaningful relationships, and provides strategies for creating and maintaining healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Add Awake the Giant within to your to be read pile today.


“The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield

The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be is a self-help book written by Jack Canfield, the bestselling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

The book is a guide to achieving personal and professional success and provides a step-by-step action plan for achieving one’s goals.

Some of the key ideas and concepts covered in the book include:

The importance of setting clear, specific goals and creating a roadmap for achieving them

The role of personal responsibility in achieving success

The value of persistence and resilience in overcoming setbacks and failures

The importance of taking consistent, focused action towards one’s goals

The role of personal growth and development in achieving success

Throughout the book, Canfield provides practical tools and strategies for implementing these principles in one’s own life.

He also includes a number of exercises and worksheets to help readers apply the concepts to their own goals and aspirations.

Some of the key takeaways from The Success Principles include:

Success is attainable for anyone who is willing to set clear goals and take consistent, focused action towards them

Personal responsibility is key to achieving success

Persistence and resilience are crucial for overcoming setbacks and challenges

Personal growth and development are essential for achieving long-term success

Overall, The Success Principles is a comprehensive guide to achieving personal and professional success that is filled with practical tools and strategies for implementing the key principles of success in one’s own life.


“The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

This is a long term strategy and a tactic that should be used as part of your arsenal.

I advised my kids to save and invest $10,000 into an ETF indexed to the S&P 500 and then forget it for forty years.

If history holds true, they will have almost a million dollars by the time they consider retiring from an early set it and forget it investment.

Once that 10k mark is reached, it’s time to save some more and make bigger, riskier plays.

I also think you should diversify into buying assets, starting a side hustle or two, and reinvest dividends.

Saving is a long term strategy to reach a million dollars, but building a business that creates cash flow is a faster path, albeit riskier path.

You should take the risk.

The Millionaire Next Door is a personal finance book written by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, published in 1996.

It is based on a study of affluent individuals in the United States, and aims to debunk the myth of the “luxury-loving” millionaire by showing that most self-made millionaires live modestly and follow certain financial principles.

Some key takeaways from The Millionaire Next Door include:

Most self-made millionaires are ordinary people who have accumulated wealth through hard work, thrift, and smart financial decisions

Millionaires tend to live below their means and avoid buying luxury goods and services

They are disciplined in their spending and saving habits and prioritize long-term financial planning over short-term pleasure

They are often entrepreneurs or small business owners, and they take calculated risks to achieve financial success

Millionaires tend to be well-educated and have strong connections to their communities

The authors also provide practical advice for building wealth, including tips on budgeting, investing, and saving for the future.

Overall, The Millionaire Next Door is a helpful resource for anyone looking to improve their financial literacy and build wealth over the long term.


“The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz

The Magic of Thinking Big is a self-help book written by David J. Schwartz, published in 1959. It teaches readers how to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve success in their personal and professional lives by “thinking big.”

Some key ideas from the book include:

The power of positive thinking: Schwartz argues that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful influence on our behavior and outcomes.

By thinking big and believing in our abilities, we can overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

The importance of setting goals: Schwartz emphasizes the importance of setting clear, specific, and measurable goals in order to stay motivated and focused.

The role of action: Thinking big is not enough – we must also take action to achieve our goals. Schwartz encourages readers to take small, consistent steps towards their goals and be persistent in the face of setbacks.

The power of visualization: Schwartz suggests that visualizing our desired outcomes can help us stay motivated and focused on our goals.

The book also includes practical advice on how to think big, such as:

Focusing on the positive and cultivating a positive mindset

Setting challenging but achievable goals

Developing good habits and self-discipline

Using affirmations and visualization to reinforce positive beliefs

Overall, The Magic of Thinking Big is a classic self-help book that teaches readers how to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve success by thinking big and taking consistent action.


“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a general, strategist and philosopher who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China. It was written around the 5th century BC and is considered one of the oldest and most influential books on strategy and military tactics.

The Art of War is divided into 13 chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of warfare. Some key themes of the book include:

The importance of planning and strategy: Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of having a clear plan and understanding the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve victory.

The value of deception and surprise: Sun Tzu advises using deception and surprise tactics to outmaneuver the enemy and gain an advantage.

The role of morale and discipline: Sun Tzu stresses the importance of maintaining high morale and discipline among troops, as this can be a decisive factor in battle.

The importance of adapting to changing circumstances: Sun Tzu emphasizes the need to be flexible and adaptable in the face of changing conditions on the battlefield.

The Art of War has been widely studied and applied in various fields, including business, politics, and sports, due to its insights on strategy and leadership.

Overall, The Art of War is a classic work on strategy and military tactics that has had a lasting influence on Western and Eastern thought.


“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a novel written by Paulo Coelho, published in 1988. It tells the story of Santiago, a shepherd boy who dreams of finding a treasure and embarks on a journey to realize his personal legend. Along the way, he encounters a series of challenges and meets a diverse cast of characters who teach him important lessons about life and the pursuit of his dreams.

Some key themes in The Alchemist include:

The importance of following one’s dreams: Santiago learns that everyone has a personal legend, or a unique purpose in life, and that it is important to pursue it with determination and passion.

The power of the universe: Santiago discovers that the universe is always working in his favor and that it is possible to achieve his dreams if he trusts in the process and remains open to new opportunities.

The value of personal growth: Santiago’s journey helps him to grow and learn important lessons about himself and the world around him.

The importance of taking risks: Santiago learns that taking risks and stepping outside of his comfort zone is necessary in order to achieve his dreams.

The Alchemist has been widely read and admired for its inspiring message about the importance of following one’s dreams and the power of the universe to help us achieve them.


“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a spiritual guidebook written by Eckhart Tolle, published in 1997. It teaches readers how to find inner peace and happiness by living in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Some key ideas from The Power of Now include:

The concept of “ego”: Tolle argues that the ego, or the sense of self, is an illusion that creates suffering and conflict. He advises readers to identify with their true self, which is beyond the ego and exists in the present moment.

The importance of mindfulness: Tolle encourages readers to practice mindfulness, or the art of being present, in order to connect with their true selves and find inner peace.

The power of acceptance: Tolle suggests that acceptance of the present moment, rather than resistance or judgment, is the key to finding inner peace.

The concept of “enlightenment“: Tolle defines enlightenment as the realization of the interconnectedness of all things and the realization that the present moment is all there is.

The Power of Now has been widely read and admired for its teachings on mindfulness and spirituality. It has been translated into over 50 languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide.


“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

The Lean Startup is a business book written by Eric Ries, published in 2011. It is based on the idea of “lean” principles, which were originally developed in the manufacturing industry and emphasize the value of continuous experimentation and iteration in the development of new products or services.

The main idea of The Lean Startup is that traditional business plans and models are not well-suited to today’s rapidly changing business environment, and that startups (and established companies) should instead focus on developing a “minimum viable product” (MVP) and continuously testing and iterating based on customer feedback.

Some key takeaways from The Lean Startup include:

The importance of validated learning: Ries emphasizes the importance of using data and customer feedback to make informed decisions, rather than relying on assumptions or preconceived notions.

The value of iterative development: Ries suggests that startups should focus on developing an MVP and continuously testing and refining it based on customer feedback, rather than trying to create a perfect product from the start.

The concept of “pivoting”: Ries advises startups to be flexible and open to changing direction if initial assumptions prove to be incorrect, rather than sticking to a rigid plan.

The Lean Startup has been widely read and influential in the business world, and its ideas have been applied in a variety of industries.


“The Four Hour Work Week” by Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Work Week is a self-help book written by Tim Ferris that aims to help readers break free from the traditional 9-to-5 work model and achieve a better work-life balance.

The book offers a number of strategies and tactics for maximizing productivity, outsourcing tasks, and building a successful business or career.

Some of the key ideas and concepts covered in the book include:

The concept of “lifestyle design,” or the idea of designing one’s life and work around one’s own values and goals

The importance of defining clear goals and creating a roadmap for achieving them

The benefits of outsourcing and automating tasks to increase efficiency

The role of passive income in achieving financial independence

The importance of building a strong personal brand and online presence.

Throughout the book, Ferris provides a number of case studies and examples of people who have successfully applied these principles to their own lives and businesses.

He also includes a number of exercises and worksheets to help readers implement the concepts covered in the book.

Some of the key takeaways from The 4-Hour Work Week include:

It is possible to achieve a better work-life balance and build a successful business or career on one’s own terms

Defining clear goals and creating a roadmap for achieving them is crucial for success

Outsourcing and automating tasks can increase efficiency and free up time for more important tasks

Passive income can help to achieve financial independence and freedom

Building a strong personal brand and online presence is important for success in today’s digital world.

Overall, The 4-Hour Work Week is a comprehensive guide to achieving success and financial independence by breaking free from the traditional 9-to-5 work model.


“The Law of Success” by Napolean Hill

Napoleon Hill’s The Law of Success is a personal development and self-help book published in 1925. Based on interviews with successful individuals, Hill’s book outlines a set of principles for achieving success in any field.

One of Hill’s key ideas is the importance of having a clear and specific goal. He suggests that setting a goal is the first step towards achieving success, and that it is essential to have a clear and specific idea of what you want to achieve. Hill also emphasizes the importance of creating a plan to achieve your goal and taking consistent action towards its realization.

Another key principle outlined in The Law of Success is the importance of personal development. Hill argues that success is not just about achieving external goals, but also about personal growth and self-improvement. He suggests that individuals who are successful are those who continually work on developing their skills and knowledge.

Hill also emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset and attitude. He suggests that individuals who cultivate a positive outlook and believe in their own abilities are more likely to achieve their goals. Hill advises readers to eliminate negative thoughts and beliefs and replace them with positive ones in order to create a foundation for success.

Overall, The Law of Success is a classic self-help book that provides practical guidance for achieving success in any field. Hill’s principles have been widely applied and continue to be influential to this day.


“The Law of Attraction” by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks

The Law of Attraction is a personal development and self-help book that teaches readers how to manifest their desires and create the life they want through the power of positive thinking and visualization.

One of the key ideas in The Law of Attraction is that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful influence on our reality.

According to the book, the universe is constantly responding to our thoughts and energy, and by focusing on what we want and believing that it is possible to achieve, we can attract it into our lives.

The book suggests that one of the key ways to attract what we want is through visualization, or the practice of creating mental images of our desired outcomes.

By visualizing ourselves achieving our goals and feeling the emotions associated with them, we can bring our desires closer to us and manifest them in the physical world.

The Law of Attraction also emphasizes the importance of taking action towards our goals.

It suggests that simply thinking positively and visualizing our desires is not enough – we must also be proactive and take steps towards achieving them.

Overall, The Law of Attraction is a popular self-help book that teaches readers how to manifest their desires and create the life they want through the power of positive thinking and visualization. Its principles have been widely applied and have influenced a variety of personal development and self-help movements.


“The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene

The 48 Laws of Power is a book written by Robert Greene and published in 1998. It is a self-help and personal development book that presents a set of 48 principles for gaining, maintaining, and using power in various aspects of life.

Some examples of the laws outlined in the book include:

Law 1: Never outshine the master

Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends

Law 3: Conceal your intentions

Law 4: Always say less than necessary

Law 5: So much depends on reputation, guard it with your life

Law 6: Court attention at all cost

Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit

Law 8: Make other people come to you, use bait if necessary

The laws in the book are presented as historical examples and cautionary tales, and are intended to be used as a guide for achieving and maintaining power in various situations. The book has been widely read and has been both praised and criticized for its controversial and often amoral teachings.


“The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret is a personal development and self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne, published in 2006. It is based on the idea of the “law of attraction,” which suggests that people can attract positive experiences and outcomes into their lives through the power of positive thinking and visualization.

The main idea of The Secret is that by focusing on what we want and believing that it is possible to achieve, we can attract it into our lives. The book suggests that the law of attraction is a powerful force that is always working, and that we can use it to manifest our desires and create the life we want.

The Secret also emphasizes the importance of gratitude and positive thinking in attracting what we want. It suggests that by focusing on the things we are grateful for and maintaining a positive mindset, we can attract more positivity and abundance into our lives.

The book includes practical advice on how to use the law of attraction, such as:

Setting clear goals and intentions

Visualizing our desired outcomes

Focusing on the present moment and letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs

Practicing gratitude and positive affirmations

Overall, The Secret is a popular self-help book that teaches readers how to attract positive experiences and outcomes into their lives through the power of positive thinking and visualization. Its principles have been widely applied and have influenced a variety of personal development and self-help movements.


“The Power of Intention” by Wayne Dyer

The Power of Intention is a personal development and self-help book written by Wayne Dyer, published in 2004. It is based on the idea that we have the power to shape our reality and create the lives we want through the power of intention.

According to Dyer, intention is a powerful force that is always at work in the universe, and by aligning our intentions with the universal flow of energy, we can manifest our desires and create the lives we want.

The Power of Intention suggests that we have the ability to attract what we want into our lives by focusing on our thoughts and feelings, and by being clear about what we want to achieve.

The book teaches readers how to set clear intentions, cultivate a positive mindset, and take action towards their goals in order to create the lives they want.

The book also emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs that can hold us back.

Dyer suggests that by cultivating a sense of peace and gratitude, we can attract more positivity and abundance into our lives.

Overall, The Power of Intention is a popular self-help book that teaches readers how to manifest their desires and create the lives they want through the power of intention. Its principles have been widely applied and have influenced a variety of personal development and self-help movements.


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson.

Here are some key points from the book:

The idea that you should always be positive and happy is a toxic one, and striving for this can actually be harmful to your well-being.

It is important to recognize that life is difficult and that you will face problems and challenges.

Instead of trying to avoid or eliminate negative emotions, it is better to accept them and learn how to cope with them in a healthy way.

You should focus on the things that are truly important to you and let go of the things that don’t matter. This means giving fewer fucks about things that don’t matter and more fucks about things that do.

To be happy, you need to identify your values and align your actions with them.

It is important to be mindful and present in the moment, rather than constantly seeking pleasure or avoiding discomfort.

You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it.

It is important to be kind and compassionate towards yourself as well as others.

You should strive to be vulnerable and authentic, rather than presenting a false image to the world.

To live a good life, you need to find meaning and purpose in your actions.


“Tools of Titans” by Tim Ferriss

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers is a self-help book written by Tim Ferris, the bestselling author of The 4-Hour Work Week.

The book is a compilation of insights and lessons from some of the world’s most successful and influential people, including entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes, and more.

The book is divided into three main sections: “Healthy,” “Wealthy,” and “Wise,” each of which covers a range of topics related to health, wealth, and personal development.

Some of the key themes and ideas covered in the book include:

The importance of setting clear goals and creating a roadmap for achieving them

The benefits of physical exercise and healthy eating habits

The value of learning from mentors and seeking out new opportunities

The importance of mindfulness and mental clarity

The role of productivity and time management in achieving success

Throughout the book, Ferris shares the lessons he has learned from his interviews with these high performers and provides practical tools and strategies that readers can use to improve their own lives.

He also includes a number of exercises and worksheets to help readers implement the concepts covered in the book.

Some of the key takeaways from Tools of Titans include:

Successful people often have a clear sense of purpose and work towards specific goals

Physical and mental health are crucial for achieving success

Learning from mentors and seeking out new opportunities can lead to personal and professional growth

Productivity and time management are important for achieving success

Mindfulness and mental clarity can help us make better decisions and be more productive

Overall, Tools of Titans is a comprehensive guide to achieving success in all areas of life, based on the insights and lessons of some of the world’s most successful people.


Atomic Habits

Here is a summary of the key points in Atomic Habits:

Small habits can have a compound effect on your life.

To create a new habit, you need to make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying.

To break a habit, you need to make it invisible, unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying.

You can use implementation intentions to create new habits and change old ones. An implementation intention is a plan you make in advance to specify when, where, and how you will perform a particular behavior.

Habits are influenced by your environment and the people you spend time with.

You can use the Two-Minute Rule to make a new habit easy to start.

You can use the Four Laws of Behavior Change to create new habits: (1) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it satisfying.

You can use the Habit Scorecard to track and improve your habits.

You can use the Identity-Based Habits framework to create new habits that align with your values and sense of self.

You can use the Four Tendencies framework to understand your tendencies when it comes to habits and create a plan that works for you.


“Acres of Diamonds” is a motivational speech and book written by Russell H. Conwell, a 19th-century Baptist minister and lawyer. The book is based on a lecture that Conwell gave over 6,000 times, and it is designed to inspire readers to achieve success and prosperity by focusing on the opportunities and resources that are available to them.

The main message of the book is that “acres of diamonds” – meaning opportunities for success and prosperity – are available to everyone, if they only know where to look. Conwell encourages readers to look for these opportunities in their own lives and communities, rather than seeking them elsewhere.

Here are the main points outlined in the book:

Opportunities for success are all around us: Conwell encourages readers to look for opportunities for success and prosperity in their own lives and communities, rather than seeking them elsewhere.

We often overlook the opportunities in our own lives: Conwell argues that we often overlook the opportunities that are right in front of us, and instead focus on seeking out new opportunities elsewhere.

Success and prosperity are available to everyone: Conwell argues that success and prosperity are not reserved for a select few, but are available to anyone who is willing to work hard and seize the opportunities that are available to them.

Hard work and determination are key to success: Conwell emphasizes the importance of hard work and determination in achieving success and prosperity.

We can all find our own “acres of diamonds”: Conwell encourages readers to believe in themselves and their ability to find their own “acres of diamonds” – opportunities for success and prosperity – in their own lives.

Thank you for taking the time to read though this quick guide.

Now I hope you noticed the highlights and those are your takeaways because they are repeated over and over again across multiple books.

Get Focused.

Get Strategic.

Be Disciplined.

Be Specific.

Be Consistant.

Those are the keys.

Part of the reason I put this together was for myself.

This year is a big goal year for me.

I thought I would share some of them with you so you could get an idea of just how to use the information in this book to help you do the impossible.

My goals for this year are as follows:

1. Daily Mindset Work

        -includes hot meditation in sauna

2. Daily Physical activity

        -lift heavy


3. Eat Clean

4. Move the needle on the writing business to seven figures

        -includes publishing twelve new books

        -new covers and relaunch for twenty old titles

        -audiobooks partnerships

        -expand paperbacks to multiple outlets

        -Unique limited edition hardcover titles for series

5. Buy an old building downtown and convert to production facility

6. Build and launch five Youtube channels by end of year

7. Reinvest all profits into business growth

8. Build a team for old content management across multiple platforms

Those are my goals.

Join me on Facebook and tell me yours