What’s on your summer reading list?

riki-tiki-cover.pngThere is a lot going on in the month of June and I wanted to share it. I write in a journal almost daily, but then I thought, why not share in an online journal, one that lets you know what is going on and what I’m working on right now.

I have to do a final pass at Riki Tik to be ready for Monday’s release and Tuesday’s promotion. Riki Tik is the next installment (book 7) in the Invasion Earth series. It picks up with LT and his squad, and expands by adding some additional characters.

The release plan in June for all books is:

June 4 – RIKI TIK
June 11- SNAKEBIT (Book 8)
June 18 –
June 25 – DEFILADE (Book 9)

I’m going to see if that juices the series and helps find more readers. I have a planned 20 books in the series, but I may have to wait on those if I can’t get the readership number back up.

June will also see the release of NO ENTRY (book 3 in the Battlefield Z legends series)

June 7 – NO ENTRY
June 14 – OVERLAND Zombie (book 3 in a Battlefield Z series)
June 21 – Lone Star Zombie (book 4 in a Battlefiled Z series)

That’s a lot of books to get out in a month, but they are mostly done and what I’ve been working on in April/May.

June 26 is the relaunch of the SHADOWBOXER series with new covers, more words and more books. I’ve got 5 out in in, with 20 planned. I’m releasing a book a week in the series through the summer, and if I can’t find readers once it hits 9, it goes on the back burner so I can work on other projects. Which is crazy, since i get emails all the time from people who love the style, love the story and want more. I just need to find the more of the right readers. Hopefully, a surge of new stories will help.

Finally, I’m revamping and upgrading this blog so there’s more in it too. To start that out, I’ll blog at least weekly, but more often I hope. I’m planning a video log to go with the launch of the Shadowboxer series, so we’ll see if I can keep that up. AND I have a ton of free books to give away, both here and on Instafreebie.

I’ve got a cop series I’ve been planning since the summer of last year, and it keeps rearing it’s head and asking for 1,000 words here, 2,000 there. I’m going to work on it here on the blog and post it a chapter at a time. Let me know what you think-