Did You Buy Apple Ten Years Ago?

I wish I would have bought Apple ten years ago.

Or I wish I could go back in time and tell younger me to buy this, do that, pick those.

Ever had those thoughts?

Well, this is me six years from the future telling you what you need to do today to be prepared.

Get audio smart.

What does that mean?

Smartphones are so common, so popular now that we forget they have only been on the scene ten years.

Most people carry a computer in their pocket stronger than the one Ronald Reagan used to run the free world and they use it to watch cat videos.

You should be making cat videos.

Tag it with your logo on the front and back.

Because that’s where eyeballs are right now.

In three years, it’s going to be ears.


Do you have Alexa at home?  How about your office?  If you don’t, you will.

Millions of people do.

And they’re asking the question, “Alexa, find me…”

Your question is, how do you become the answer?

Well, you could pay for it.

Just like page placement on Google is bought and paid for through advertising, your spot can be secured to the tune of your advertising budget.

Start saving now.

Or you could become the go to brand resource for your customers/clients.


We’re going to talk about that more in great detail, but today it starts with giving.

Give your time, give your advice, give your best tips and techniques to your customers today.

And repeat it every day through the end of the year. Give.

It won’t hurt and you will become the expert they associate with solving problems.

Start giving.

What Marketing Works Best?

KEYWORD: Marketing that works?

I put a question mark after it because it’s always a question, right?

What works now and will keep working so I can just focus on WTDT. (Writing the Damn Thing)

Because based on a couple of years doing this, nothing sells your last book like the next one.

Seems like you read that somewhere before? Yeah, there’s a reason it’s repeated over and over. Because that is the one marketing thing any writer can do, and should do that will help you grow your business.

I know we like to say there’s no ONE path up the mountain, but for 99% of us, the best way to get up the mountain is to write more than one book. Lots of books with lots of opportunities to find readers.

Plus, the more you write, the better you get.  I think that’s a good path too.

Let me tell you about a path I took.

This Corona thing has me a little stressed out. I’m not really a data junkie, but I do study charts and graphs and know how to read data.  Which helps me in this business of writing.


The data tells me we’re in for a rough 8 weeks in the US. I tend to err on the side of conservative so I wondered what I could do to help my readers.

First path up the mountain is ALWAYS TAKE ACTION.

Words on a page are better than an idea in your head, even if they are crappy words.

I wanted to give something to my readers.

I decided to put almost my entire catalog in KU for FREE for 1 day.

I have a big backlist. A couple of series in sci fi, post apoc, thriller and UF.

Second path up the mountain is don’t GENRE HOP.

But I did, and here we are, and now I have readers who clamor for the “next in series or when is the next book coming out” in four different genres.

Sigh.  This is the Don’t be like me moment.

Back to the marketing that might have worked.

I put everything for Free.  Almost everything. A couple of titles had been promo’d in 1Q so couldn’t.

I wrote a short note to my mailing list titled: This is the shortest note I’ll ever write.

Side note: My list is around 8k, roughly 2k per genre, except UF, which is 1.2k.  I write my list about a lot of stuff. Personal thoughts. 8 year old baseball games. The dumb dog. 

If you want to know how to do great newsletters, write it like you’re writing a note to your BFF who knows all your secrets. It gets good response rates.

I scheduled the email to go out in the morning.

Then I tracked. Cause I’m as addicted to clicking refresh as an Everest mountaineer is to her oxygen tank.

3k giveaways by noon.  5k by 7.

I tweeted it. I posted it on Instagram. I LinkedIn it.

One of my readers posted it on FB and shared it.

I didn’t.  Let’s chalk that up to a miss. I should have, first thing, and boosted the post for 1 day to a look alike audience for $5 or $10.

Oxygen deprived minds make dumb decisions sometimes.

I ended the night with 6425 giveaways, and woke up to 342 more this am.

78 book sales. Not a bad day.

I know KDP days work well for my titles, and usually do a 4 or 5 day promo when I publish.

This tells me a lot of folks missed those days.

They got a smile and hopefully, a book they’ll enjoy. I got a boost in author ranking, and picked up 8 new NL subscribers.

These numbers were spread out by genre and over 40 titles, but I learned something from my list data.

ONE: The post apoc fans (16 books in the series) are the most vocal and engaged.

Maybe because I’ve put out 16 in the series. 

They want the next book NOW!

My follow on marketing is a 3 book mini-series in the series out in April/May. I showed them the covers and got some pretty salacious emails back. Plus, don’t tell them, but I’m almost done with the next book in the main series and I’m gonna surprise drop it to them next week. Sshhh.

This was planned pre-Corona/Covid, but I’m encouraged by the numbers.  Let’s see how it plays out.

TWO:  The most downloads were the UF series.  Are they used to free stuff or is that market trending up?

I had a mystery thriller series planned and written (6 books, 3 done) and was encouraged by the K-lytics report that said this was a strong market-

But I have no list there, so it’s new to me.  (I put up a reader magnet on Prolific and StoryOrigin to build a list, but it’s in a growth phase)

I have great covers in the UF series, and wish I could clone myself to write both genres at the same time.  Or two clones, so I could do three.

I’m afraid that would turn into a whole clone war, and that’s copyright infringement and who wants to go down THAT road?

Not this original.

The follow on marketing for this Big Day Giveaway is to finish the next books in the post apoc series and pop them up.

Do a couple of free paid promo sites.

The takeaway. Use your KDP days and make it fun. Reward your readers. Treat ‘em like gold.  It’s stuff we know, but may not remember to practice.

Also, don’t be afraid to do something big. Giving away 40 titles?! How does that make me money?

Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t. 

I am all about the money, but I’m also about building a fan base that tweets me, FB’s me, Insta’s me, and sends me emails begging for the next book AND telling the people they know about it.

Now it’s up to me to deliver.



New Year, New Books promo!

Unlimited reading promo!

January Fantasy & Magic promo!

FREE SCI-FI (Jan 2022) promo!

To War promo!

Magic in the air

January: Free Urban Fantasy Books


Full-Length Fantasy for Free




Books You Can’t Put Down! group promo




To War group promo

Are You Living Your Best Days?

Five years ago today, I biked down a volcano in Hawaii.

It was the day after running a marathon, so I figured I’d be safe.

It was mostly braking, some coasting, and trying not to fall 90% of the time.

Still, it was a cool adventure.

I car camped the night after, sleeping next to a beach as waves crashed on the shore.

This morning, I wasn’t sure if I planned to even go outside.

The temp was 17 when I woke up, and warmed all the way up to 29 when the sun peeked over the edge of the eastern horizon.

That’s where it planned to stay, according to the professional liars who masqueraded as weathermen.

I was reminded of my Hawaiian adventure by Facebook, who is kind enough to document my day with photo and post and even video, should I so choose.

And then, forever, my adventures are etched into the interwebs, brought up once a year to remind me of what I once did.

Or in this case, how awesome I was, just five short years ago.

I’m too embarrassed to post today.

What would I say?

My toes are cold and I’m curling up on the couch?

That is as far a cry from volcano cruising as there ever could be.

Every day I think about car camping.

Grabbing a minivan, tossing a sleeping bag and some gear in the back, and get gone to parts unknown.

I think about exploring, adventure, trail walking, wildlife stalking, running up mountains and biking down them.

I think about cruising the New England country side and pulling over to roadside stands to buy homemade jam for picnic sandwiches.

Or puttering down A1A all the way to the end and settling in on some beach in Key West to watch the sun rise on one side of the island and go down on the other.

If there was such a trip, it would involve every historic marker along the way, and the wild places would have to have internet, so I could post about them.

I wouldn’t want to forget on this day.

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

The worst critic you have in the world is that little voice inside your head.

And no one can put pressure on you like that voice.

I try to train mine.

Sometimes, it doesn’t listen.

It’s good at finding reasons and excuses for why it’s whispering all those things in your mind.

And the damn thing is good at supporting arguments.

Kid’s don’t call. Means you’re a bad parent.

Sales slow. Because you suck.

Hungry? Your cooking is no good.

It’s a long list and silencing the inner critic is tough.

Hell, it’s practically a full time job.

Which is why training is so important.

Training turns into a habit, and then it’s easy to recognize when the voice is wrong.

And like critics of most things, the voice is usually wrong.

Hungry? You can whip up crack crackers in 5 minutes that will make you slobber like Pavlov’s dogs.

Slow sales? Finish that short story and give it away.

Kid’s are busy with finals. Text and let them know you love them.

The list goes on.

Sometimes, I talk about the little things, because I think the little things are important.

Great coffee this morning. It’s gonna be a good day.

Beautiful sunrise.  Frost on the grass making it look like a fantasy landscape.

Ignore the leaves that need to be raked. Just means the season has turned, and that happens every year.

All the little things add up to counter that voice in the head.

And when that inner critic gets silenced, gets shut down and shunted aside, that opens up the voice for the stories.

That’s the goal. Always.

Do what you need to make your day amazing.