Have You Found Your People Yet?

“Why so glum chum?”

Heath Ledger said it best.

And it’s a phrase that’s kind of like an inside joke.

If you say it to me, I know and you know and we both know the other knows.

Kind of like when my kids say “Damn it, Jim.”

Which has become my catch all phrase for “I don’t know.”

From Star Trek, “Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a political adviser.”

Insert whatever career works best in the last part.

I don’t get the glum chum question much.

Or rather, it is phrased “What’s wrong with you?”

And today, it was well deserved.

Today, I am heartbroken.

You know why.

You watched it play out on television and social media.

I’m not going to write about it. I did that somewhere else.

Feel what you feel today.

I write a whole series about the break down of society.

You saw in color how easy it could happen.

People, man.  People.

I learned this lesson when I was a kid.

It started in fourth grade, but got worse by seventh.

If you watched a John Hughes movie about teenage clicks, then you know what I’m talking about.

Kids are mean.

And they grow up into mean adult People.

Mean people are in both parties.

Mean people run the news to get you to watch so they can make money.

Mean people demonize anyone else not like them, mostly so you will end up doing what the mean people want.

But I think it’s almost always about money.

Maybe that’s just a today thought.

I don’t think money is the root of evil though.

I think money is awesome and I want more of it.

I use money to buy beer and go sit with my friends, who don’t all think like me.

We sip suds and tell jokes and don’t really debate “the issues.”

Or rather, our issues are who is going to start as pitcher at the tournament in thirteen weeks, or who needs hitting lessons or to spend time in the batting cages.

We talk about running and the job market.

One of them is being downsized, and we commiserate. A lot, because I’ve been there.

I was going to say a person is good, but “people” can suck.

But what I think I mean, and what I think you know is, while “people” can suck, YOUR PEOPLE are cool.

Think about your people for a minute.

Think about how they are a little different from you. Maybe it’s just one way.

Maybe it’s a hundred ways.

But they are YOUR PEOPLE.

For me, not a single person in my close knit circle of friends would run a hundred mile race.

They think I’m weird for doing it.

They think I’m different because I never wanted a white picket fence or to settle down with roots.

That I think doing cross country van runs is awesome, and seeing and experiencing things is better than buying things.

They don’t understand how my mind can make up a drug deal gone bad, and then go play with the boys at baseball.

Or why I dance so badly at music.

And yet, I feel accepted by them despite my quirks. I feel like they like talking to me.

Who knows what they really think because you never know what lurks in the heart of man.

But I think of it like this.

Your people love you for you.

You love your people for who they are.

Their weirdness, the inside jokes, the memories made together.

I think that should be enough to build on.

A guy in traffic this morning hopped up on my ass in a construction zone.

I do the speed limit in roadwork.  Too much can go wrong too fast.

He must have been in a hurry, because I could see him in the mirror, yelling, gesturing.


We made it through a merge and I sped up to scoot into the middle lane, and he jammed it to get to the far left and race around me.

Almost clipped my fender.

I shot him the bird.  He shot me the bird.

Then he sped on to his job wherever that was, and I came home to start working on mine.

Which is maybe how all disagreements should be settled.

Like a double FU, and then people go on about their business.

One last thing.

I’m a Star Wars fan.

I read an interesting theory about why the Jedi were cut off from the Force in the Prequels.

The leader (Palpatine) knew that people living in fear and anger would lead to the dark side.

So he fermented war, fermented rebellion, fermented dissension, so the Jedi could only feel the people’s sense of fear, of frustration, of their anger.

The Jedi, the champions of good, could only feel what the worlds in the galaxy were putting out, and they were putting out natural emotions that were the opposite of calm, the opposite of reason.

It handicapped them, and they were defeated.

Anger. Aggression. These lead to the dark side.

Or if you like Dune, Fear is the mind killer.

Meaning, it is hard to think when you are afraid.

It’s great for advertisers when you are scared.  You lock your eyes on television so you can get “information” so you know what to do.

Man, that’s just biology and survival. The more you know, the better you can protect yourself and your family.

But if the man on the TV is selling you FEAR, don’t buy it.

“I will walk through the valley of the shadow and fear no evil.”

You can finish it how you want.

“Because you are with me.”

Or “Because there is so little to fear.”

Or “Because I am the meanest MF’er in the valley.”

Be not afraid.

When everything around you conspires to keep you close to the boiling point, it takes so little to make you lose control and boil over.

So this weekend, find your people.

The ones who bring you joy and laughter.

Turn on the music, grab your favorite drink, coffee, tea or me.

And smile.  Fill your heart with joy and gladness and ignore everything outside of it.

That’s what I’m trying to do.

And it’s tough. I know it is.

But you bring me joy.  You make me smile.  You are my people. And you don’t have to be afraid of nothing.

What Do You do?

What do you do?

It’s easy to say one thing, boiled down to a simple elevator pitch.

I like to joke and say I tell lies for a living, or I make stuff up.

But then most people think I’m a lawyer.

I have been many things in life.

I’ve followed and led, I’ve crossed borders and continents, I’ve put more miles on a body than most, and I’ve been at the top of a couple of games.

I’ve also been at the bottom of a couple of games, I’ve been knocked down, dragged out and left for rubbish more than once.

I’ve bet big and lost.

Which leads me to what I do for a living.

That seems to be a concern of most and I know why.

Knowing what someone does for work defines them.

My grandfather was a carpenter, even though he was also a developer, a landlord, a deacon, a farmer and drag car racer.

To be fair, he was a pretty damn good papaw too.

It’s just easier to sum it up in one word, because that’s what we’ve been taught in America.

Work makes the man, and so we need to know what that work is, and it is easy to go with the lowest common denominator that people understand.

So I write books.

I make up stories about zombies and aliens and wizards and spies.

But like a duck swimming ninety to nothing under the surface of a still pond, there is a lot of movement behind the scenes to say one simple three word sentence.

I project manage books.

I produce audiobooks

I am an International publisher.

I am an SEO expert so that those books can be found.

I develop keyword tests for marketing.

I A/B test image, title, headline, copy.

I am an expert copywriter.

I know Google Adwords, Facebook Marketing, Amazon Ads, and have dabbled on all social media platforms.

I have written, produced and directed multiple programs and shows that have won awards, including best comedy short.

Which makes my Media Company also a production company, with expertise in Youtube and Tik Tok and more, with plans for expansion into Hulu, Roku and Amazon Prime.

On any given day, I am creating a new marketing plan, checking the status of projects in production and working to reach new readers, watchers and of course, always on the hunt for OPM. (Other People’s Money to produce shows, expand titles and increase marketing reach through licensing deals.)

How would you sum all of that up in three words or less?

And because I like people, when they tell me what they do, I ask questions or pay attention to the stories they tell.

Because I don’t define people by their J.O.B.

I try to figure out the thing that makes them tick, what puts that spark in their eye and makes them talk for hours.

Once, I met an Elvis impersonator who also was a salesman.

He was a top ten percenter with his company, a six figure earner two times over, who was good at his job.

But he didn’t want to move up with the company, and he didn’t want to train other salespeople.

Because he had a routine and in his off time, he wanted to be “The King of Rock and Roll.”

When he talked about it, he wouldn’t stop. It was his passion, and he did it for senior homes and cruise ships and gigs on the Florida Atlantic coast.

You may have met his ghost in The Marshal of Magic!

If I introduced him to you though, and you asked what he did, how would you react if I said:

He impersonates Elvis.

It puts you in a frame of mind that’s very different from:

He’s a six figure salesman.  Or He sells software.

This can be done for almost any vocation, because we all know people who do the Job, so they can live the dream.

It just so happens, most of my job right now is living my dream.

Not to say I wouldn’t go back into the work force for the right opportunity. I’ve got my eye on a 9-5 right now for the simple fact that it seems like it would be fun!

But, if six months from now, you asked me; What do you do?

I’d still have a simple answer for you.

Not I write books.

Not I own a Media Company.

Nope, I’d tell you with a straight face and mean it.

I make magic.



I am very curious about what you do vs. where’s your heart?  Send me an email and let me know.

Plus, some stuff for you today:

If you want to spread the kindness, grab your own GET AFTER IT tee shirt today.

See the letter that sparked our kindness movement. It’s kind of like  a revolution.

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Cooler weather means more time to read, so check out some new favorite authors:

FAIR PLAY is free today, if you like to read this type of story.

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You can fill your TO BE READ (TBR) pile with a ton of new authors to check out:


What Does It All Start With?

If you’re a morning person, you know.

It’s not really a secret, but sometimes it feels like that.

You know what I’m talking about.

That time of day when the light is up but the sun isn’t.

Not yet.

But it’s coming, edging closer to the horizon and getting ready to turn the sky orange and yellow and smudge colored red.

The air this morning was in the sixties.

Cool and crisp with hints of Fall.

A morning made for possibility, the dawn purple sky full of promise, and wonder.

That moment is magic and it can stretch for minutes, until the sun peeks up and sprays the rest of the day with sunshine.

It’s in that moment that magic happens, I’m sure.

The night, full of mystery and old dreams, washed away by the pop of the sun over the landscape.

And if you are in on the secret, if you are in the know, then you must have magic in you too.

A magic feeling of wonder and hope and stead fast resolve.

Because it is moments like that which prepare us for what is to come.

In the US, it’s election season.

A countdown until the next batch of criminals are installed by who owns them.

Princeton just came out with a study that showed a simple chart on who controls Congress.

They used a line graph and in a Republic, that line should form a triangle straight up the middle between what the people want and laws that are passed.

Then they compared it to what Corporations want versus laws that are passed.

Would you be surprised to learn that “the people” impact less than 30% of any law passed, but Companies control over 60%?

(The other 10% or so have to do with getting reelected and gerrymandering, to make sure those in power stay in power)

The 30% that the people wanted just so happened to coincide with the Corporate wish list.

Which was their way to say that your vote doesn’t really matter at the National level, and Congress votes one way or the other depending on lobbyist donations.

America. Land of the Free. Home of the Brave.

Brought to you by Wal Mart, Amazon and Exxon.

By the NRA and Koch Brothers (minus one as he is currently roasting on a spit in Hell.)

I would like to tell you it’s better at the local level, but city council can be just as bad.

Or worse, because they are your neighbors.

We have a city councilman who has been trying for years to get a breed ban reversed.

Because Pit Bulls are banned in city limits as an aggressive dog.

It is against the law to own a pit bull in the city limits.

He has two.

A city councilman is breaking the law because he doesn’t think it’s true, that pit bulls aren’t vicious.

That it’s about the owner’s responsibility.

All true statements, except that he is knowingly breaking the law AND the other city council members know it.

No one calls him on it.

In North Little Rock, a City Council member is on the Development Commission where he finds out which big businesses are coming to the city, and he buys the land where they plan to locate so he can sell it to them for a profit.

And don’t get me started on the cluster of criminality in Pine Bluff, my hometown.

I bet you could list a long litany of grievances that highlight exactly what we are talking about AND it isn’t restricted to one side or the other of the two spectrum political landscape.

Republicans are criminals. (breaking dog bans)

Democrats are criminals. (unethical land deals)

Is it any wonder we hunt for magic moments in a world gone insane for those of us who straddle the middle?!

Not just politically, but in our thought, deed and mind.

Those of us who want a fair landscape, who want to be justly rewarded for our work, who want a level playing field when it comes to opportunity.

Who want the bad punished and the good exalted.

Who want good music, and good friends and cool mornings for us to enjoy.

What can we do to ensure this is the world we get?

How do we make it fair and right?

First, we recognize the dissonance for what it is.

It is like knowing there is a snake in the bush. If you know it and stick your hand in the bush, you can’t complain if you get bit.

(Yes, I just called politicians snakes)

Second, now that we know what it is, we react in one way.

Kindness. Empathy. Gratitude.

That’s right, we tap the KEG!

If we deploy a wave of kindness, the world has no choice but to respond the same way.

If we imagine other points of view, and situations, we start to realize that this world of 8 billion is made up of all kinds of people, and most of them think and feel and act just like us.

Their prayers are, keep my family safe, keep them fed, keep a roof over their head and make them happy.

How grateful I am to live in this country compared to the rest of the world.

I woke up, in a warm bed, with food in the pantry. I’ve got working fingers for the keyboard, and coffee, the nectar of the gods to help me appreciate the weather and sunrise.

That’s why my answer is “my cup runs over.”

Sure, I wish I had more time with my children, who are growing up too fast. I wish I had more money because I’m missing some opportunities in the stock market and business outside of publishing and real estate.

I wish more people thought like us, and realized what we’re up against, because they might know other ways to stand up to the insanity.

Kindness is a good starting point.

Dialing in to this moment is the way to frame your mind for it.

And this moment, I’m grateful for you. I’m excited you’re on this adventure with me.

Go out and spread your kindness today.

Be that change you want to see in the world.



If you want to spread the kindness, grab your own GET AFTER IT tee shirt today.

Plus, if you like gumshoe type mysteries, pick up LUCID free.

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